a quick break down. i will do pics and description of two very different methods to this modification. one is easy in my opinion and i wish i had chose that route. the other is more difficult. the first method is the easiest and that is simply drilling a hole in the filter assembly to bypass the filter but it leaves the old clogged up filter in the assembly to flush out and clog up your new inline filter you will be putting in. so that means change the inline after a while to keep making sure gunk not clogging up new filter. 10$ per filter and 5 min of time...not that much of a hassle. the second method is considerably more time consuming and it was difficult to do...but it removed the old filter and reassembled the whole assembly. so no worries of the old stuff back washing into the new inline filter. the third method i thought of after all the work was the possibility of using purple pvc pipe adhesive. but am not positive if it is gas previous. if it adheres and holds up in gas...it would make the second method SOOOO much easier. so here we go with the first method. you will see some duplication of pics reference to the inline filter set up.