Recent content by DamnYank

  1. DamnYank

    EPA reverses Mini-ban

  2. DamnYank

    EPA reverses Mini-ban

    Wow that is great news!!! Wonder if we can start sellin the fiddys again?!?! When did this come out, today??
  3. DamnYank

    Who all fishes

    Good time to come down here lookin for the dolphin (mahi). They are around here pretty thick til the beginning of June or so. Where are you fishing out of and are you doing a charter?
  4. DamnYank

    Questionable Shooting - ???

    Wow thats bad. They both look like a couple of imbred meth heads
  5. DamnYank

    Who all fishes

    An 88lb Warsaw my buddy yanked out of its hole. This thing was a beast!!
  6. DamnYank

    Who all fishes

    I mainly kayak fish the backwaters of NE Florida for Reds and Trout. A couple times a month I go offshore with my buddy. Heres last Saturdays catch.
  7. DamnYank

    Personal Locator Beacons

    Well pics of a recent offshore fishing trip freaked out the old lady, now she wants to get me an EPIRB. Which I guess isnt a bad idea since I do alot of night backroad riding, usually flyin solo. Can anyone recommend a compact device that I could carry on me while riding, and still work 70 miles...
  8. DamnYank

    Who all fishes

    You can never have enough fishing gear!! :thumbsup:
  9. DamnYank

    OMFG!!!! Hayabusa Music Video!!! This Rocks!~!

    Well I made it through the first 16 secs....
  10. DamnYank


    I know man but seriously.....
  11. DamnYank


    The H E double hockey sticks would you ruin a beautiful bike like this?!?!?!:cussing::cussing::cussing:
  12. DamnYank

    '09 ' Mr. Asphalt

    Nice bike man, sorry u dropped her. Just curious though. Do you have those chains secured to anything or just wrapped around the rims?
  13. DamnYank

    Considering trading off the busa for a 09

    Shes purdy, keep it:beerchug:
  14. DamnYank

    Help me please!!!

  15. DamnYank

    Back from the painters... good/bad ---both

    :poke: Just paint the rest of the bike the same color as the tail...