Recent content by jkwool

  1. jkwool v3.0

    As some of you know i have started work on v3.0. I thought i would post up some screenshots of some of the cool new features I am working on. The new version will include 3d map viewing and full access to the various A/B/C, MS0, MS1 and Cylinder maps. Still early days but should...
  2. jkwool

    A Big Thank You to Greg Smith

    There is also this STP - ECU hacking
  3. jkwool

    A Big Thank You to Greg Smith

    Petri started to look at it awhile ago, there is some info here Slew rate controlled ignition - ECU hacking
  4. jkwool

    A Big Thank You to Greg Smith

    Just thought i would post a big thank you to Greg Smith from - Home for sending me over some more hardware to help the hacking cause. I received a package today with pair block off plates, another Gen 2 flashing harness and various plugs and electrical components etc. Thanks for...
  5. jkwool

    ECU Editor Tutorial - How to use Auto Tune

    You dont seem to have a lot of data in the TPS map which as there are not to many suggestions in the auto tune screen. You could try lowering the auto tune setting for "Min Number of Logged AFR Values In Cell" from 3 to 2 or 1, which will also auto tune the cells with less data. Other than that...
  6. jkwool

    ECU Editor Tutorial - How to use Auto Tune

    good on you mate nice work on getting it up and running, i will add the wideband checkbox to engine data, i had not thought of it before :) Post up some results of how you go using the auto tune, I have released a new beta version as well that allows you to log data at a faster rate than...
  7. jkwool

    ECU Editor Tutorial - How to use Auto Tune

    If the stock sensor is working correctly it should log a value between 0-49, my best advice would be to look in the workshop manual and run through the diagnostic procedure for the stock sensor to check if it is working ok. If its not working ok, upgrade to a wideband sensor and you will get...
  8. jkwool

    ECU Editor Tutorial - How to use Auto Tune

    Hi mate, your dell netbook should be fine, you should not be getting that error message i will take a look at the code and remove it for the next version. I use a HP mininote with a crappy via processor for my logging and it handles the load no problems. Thanks for the feedback on using the...
  9. jkwool

    ECU Editor Tutorial - How to use Auto Tune

    Yes you are correct, brown wire from LC-1 (analog 0-5v wideband output) into pin 12 on the ecu. I will modify the original post to include this information! Edit: I cant seem to edit my original post with this info? Thanks
  10. jkwool

    ECU Editor: Auto Tune - First Version Ready for Release

    For Gen 2 and B-King I have made a change to the ecu code that allows you to use either the stock narrowband sensor OR the 0-5v output from a wideband O2 sensor, obviously you will get more accurate results if you use the wideband as it has a linear response over the full 0-5v and I use the full...
  11. jkwool

    ECU Editor Tutorial - How to use Auto Tune

    This is the next thing i am working on, there is a device available called a STM32 Primer 2 that has a small processor and a built in usb and sd memory card (up to 2 GB) that I am working on programming to connect to the ecu and log the data. Its small at about 4 inches by 2 1/2 inches with a...
  12. jkwool

    ECU Editor Tutorial - How to use Auto Tune

    I have been getting a few questions about how to use the new Auto Tune feature in ECU Editor so i thought i would do a new post with this info and screen shots to make it easy for people to find the answers to questions. I am assuming you have basic skills with the ECU Editor program, if this is...
  13. jkwool

    ECU Editor: Auto Tune - First Version Ready for Release

    It should be pretty easy to create a filter for this, I will take a look at it over the weekend. I will make it selectable so you can choose if you want the filter applied or not. I think this will work well in the TPS-RPM Auto Tune section.
  14. jkwool

    ECU Editor: Auto Tune - First Version Ready for Release

    not sure just yet until i get my hands on the ecu and start thinking about how this will work for gen 1. I will let you know when i have some ideas.
  15. jkwool

    ECU Editor: Auto Tune - First Version Ready for Release

    I have put a filter on the AFR so when this happens these logs are not used for tuning, you can adjust the upper cut off point for the datalogs for tuning, currently it defaults to AFR 18, seems to work well at filtering out the condition where you go from wot to 0%.