Recent content by Projekt

  1. Projekt

    Dj Sin Havent checked in, in a long time

    So.. You are back again.. Like my habits.
  2. Projekt

    Alright mate

    I know the story..:beerchug:
  3. Projekt

    Alright mate

    Harvey W. ? Where can I find him? What company does he run or work for? I'm really interested. :poke:
  4. Projekt

    Alright mate

    Alright mate.. It's been a bloody minute since I last submitted anything of substance to this lovely forum. Having said that I would like to let people know that I am looking for work in the Los Angeles area after having lived here for two plus years and not found much in the way of acting...
  5. Projekt

    What Are You Thankful For This Thanksgiving Holiday?

    Happy to pop in for a visit.
  6. Projekt

    What Are You Thankful For This Thanksgiving Holiday?

    All of life's wonderful experiences, a roof over my head and a meal to enjoy.
  7. Projekt

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Happy Thanksgiving...
  8. Projekt

    Changes To The Group Over The Years

  9. Projekt

    Could use a ride and a Beer

    Hi! It has been a while since posting but I have been very busy down in Mexico. As it turns out, I am back in the USA at the USO in Washington-Dulles airport and can't seem to go anywhere because my wallet and all it's contents were stolen a few weeks ago in Mexico.. If anybody could...
  10. Projekt

    Random thoughts should be renamed Ghost Town

    Oh my, this thread slipped my mind and I only today remembered posting it. I guess the lack of action around here keeps me away.. Yawn.. This place is so boring. :whistle:
  11. Projekt

    Random thoughts should be renamed Ghost Town

    Man, it sure is dead around here.... :ghostface: Crickets.... ***Creep***Creep*** What gives? By the way, I think our access to Guns and ammunition is way too easy in this country. I mean really, who needs an AR-15 or AK-47 or even a Mosin Nagant at home anyway? Just had to get that off...
  12. Projekt

    Thinking of Can Am Spyder...Diagnosed with vertigo

    Vertigo is a transient and infrequently permanent condition. Do your homework and read up. Don't carry out any impulsive reactions and see where it goes. It may not last long at all. Goodluck and Godspeed.
  13. Projekt

    I have a new bed partner that I am trying to get rid of!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Another sure fire thing that has worked for me is related to bodybuilding. When I was in Ramadi, Iraq around the time that the bridge was blown up, I started to have a hard time sleeping. In order to remedy this, I went to the weight-room in our building and did a full heavy workout. That was...
  14. Projekt

    Just a few random pics

    Hey! I passed through there but couldn't reach the man without a phone having just sold my iPhone days earlier. Tehachapi blew me away with its beauty and western frontier town feel.. I will be coming through there again soon enough and this time I will have a phone with me. Cheers!
  15. Projekt

    I have a new bed partner that I am trying to get rid of!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Uhm, your girlfriend Palmela has a sure thing for a sleep aid. Otherwise, medicinal THC cannabinoids from a pure strain Indica will put you under and relieve the stress at the root of insomnia.