1er BB & B Rendez-vous (1st Buckeye Busa & B-King Rendez-vous)


All Suzuki Hayabusa & B-King owners are invited to join us for a day(or two) of riding the outstanding backroads of SE Ohio. The date is Saturday September 19th and, for those interested, Sunday September 20th, 2009.(rain date is the following weekend).

We will meet at Colleen’s Diner(330-424-5935) at 1 South Park Ave. in historic Lisbon, OH, between 9:00-9:15am for those desiring breakfast. Departure will be at 10:00am. The meeting and departure time may be delayed for our friends in PA(and others coming longer distances) if feedback determines this to be necessary.

From Lisbon, we will head in a generally southwesterly direction. Short stops will be made at appropriate times, or at places of interest, while we make our way toward the Ohio river. We will end the day in Marietta, Ohio, where we have made arrangements with the Holiday Inn(details below) for those spending the night. We will meet for dinner(at a restaurant tba) and enjoy the evening kicking tires and telling lies. Please note: we hope you will join us, even if you can’t spend the night in Marietta. You can break off the ride at any time(just PLEASE let us know when you’re leaving).

The Holiday Inn has a full service restaurant on site, so you will not have to “gear up†and leave the premises for breakfast. We will plan on leaving the motel parking lot on Sunday morning by 9:15am. More riding, on more outstanding roads, will ensue, as we return north. An optional stop(if there’s enough interest) is the Iron Pony motorcycle superstore in Columbus. If you’ve never been there - it’s a “must do†for any avid rider. After a stop for a late lunch, we’ll say our goodbyes and, hopefully, want to “rendez-vous†again next year.

We hope several riders, here, will be able to join us next weekend. It will be nice to get to know some of the people here and put a face to some of the names we see posted.

Wardie & Glazwegian

We have a special group rate of $79.00 for Saturday the 19th at the Holiday Inn on 701 Pike Street in Marietta. Up to two people can stay in a room at this rate. Please call the Motel directly at 740-374-9660 and ask for either the: BB & B Rendez-vous or Hayabusa & B-King riders rate. If you are having any difficulty securing the special rate, please ask for Cindy.

Please respond to this thread, or pm Wardie or Glazwegian directly, with any questions and/or to let us know if you will be attending.
Hey I've ridden the back roads with Dave and he is not only an exceptional rider but a great historian. The ride will have interesting sights, great twisties that will allow you to go as fast or as slow as you'd want . We'll invade the hotel do a big pool party and Sunday probably a side trip to Iron Pony Motorsports in Columbus. If you're itching for some miles and riding with a couple of guys that will will warm up the tires come on out and join in the fun. You can ride part or all of the day or both days whatever you'd like. Looking forward to meeting all of you who can attend. Want to learn more? PM or call me (330-502-4197) or Glawegian for more info. All bikes and riders are cordially invited.
well now...i will :whistle:have to take you up on this..anyone spending the night mabey we can share ?
I'm pretty sure I can make it but somethin is itchin at me like i'm forgettin somethin next weekend......i'll get back & confirm
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ok called the hotel..they already have the notes..wife and i reserved a king room conf # 64688615 but if wife chooses not to come (long ride with her hips) i can switch to double to share
I might have to meet up with you guys around Marietta. My house is about 10 minutes from the Holiday Inn in Marietta. Give me a yell as to what you plan on doing but I will be around Saturday and Sunday.
You gonna ride this road?

I'm up for the ride. I'll share a room with 1 or more..PM Me.

Yep, Rt. 536 is definitely on the itinerary!! As you probably know, it's kinda like our own "Buckeye Dragon". We'll be running it from north to south(Rt.78 to Rt.7).

We'll also make a stop at Kiedaisch Point Park that's just off 536. There are no signs for this park, you just have to "know where it is". It's well worth a stop, however, because the park sits high on a bluff overlooking about 7 miles of the meandering Ohio river below.
I was up in Columbus yesterday and a few of us wanted to stop at Iron Pony. I called to see what time they were open and it seems their hours have changed. They used to be open till 6 on Saturday, but closed at 2pm. Also I think i remember them saying on the phone messege about being closed on Sunday. I know their wedsite says they are open till 5. My dang land line is out of service till monday and i have no cell service here. (yes i am one of those Appalachian Ohioians!) Someone might give the store a call.
Who wats to split a room? I'm comin to this d*mn meet since I missed my home state meet. I gotta get the mp3 player loaded up tho thats for sure!
Posted via Mobile Device
Where are all the OHIO peeps?!?!?
Come on you Columbus guys..get on board for this! :cheerleader:
Come on man Glazwegian has some great routes and cool sights lined up. I know something always comes up because that's the way our lives are but every once in a while you just have to stop the madness and throw a leg over your favorite scoot and get out and ride. This is a great opportunity to ride and have some fun and meet some .org guys. Ride is not limited to Busa's so bring your frineds. Wardie
where did the main go..wanted to go bump it now im not finding it
Ok, the Iron Pony option is officially out since they are now closed on Sunday.

However, the upside is we'll have more time to ride the twisty stuff and avoid the boring roads that would have been necessary to get to the "Pony". :thumbsup:
Ok, the Iron Pony option is officially out since they are now closed on Sunday.

However, the upside is we'll have more time to ride the twisty stuff and avoid the boring roads that would have been necessary to get to the "Pony". :thumbsup:

And more places to eat! :laugh:
When you get the route towards Marietta figured out let me know. I plan on riding up the river and meeting up with you. Maybe north of Hanibal if you are coming that way.
If you are looking for a ride in this area I suggest WV Route 31 south of Williamstown. It's a lot less congested that the roads I know about in Ohio.
If you are looking for food Marietta has some interesting places. Let me know what kind of food that everyone likes. I had suggested a small Mexican place that's near the Holiday Inn but downtown Marietta is only a couple of miles south.
Just thinking out loud here.