Did we shut down the online support function?


Peace Keeper or Ban Hammer-it's up to you; IDMBT#9
Staff member
I was just wondering if we shut down the online help/support function. I'm not sure it was being used a lot, usually the support consisted of new members trying to post pics or search or find stuff in general... usage seemed sort of cyclic -
I know the function is still there, I just don't know if the is anyone who wanted/needed to use it?

Sorry, thinking out loud...
My link (sig line) still works

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Not sure ....

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Reason for Edit: "Because I'm STUPID!"|1144374051 -->
they are talking about a HELP BUTTON. As in, I need help loading a pic, i need help at the upload center,I need help with a personal problem....just kiddin' on that last one.