Favorite feature of new board

Mr Bogus

Trouble Makers Inc.
Donating Member
I found this neat little item where I can download all my PM's in one of 3 formats...

Download all Private Messages as:
XML | CSV | Text

I do not recall this on the old board but sure makes my life easier using XML for them....

Thanks again for the upgrade Doug and Omar!! :cheerleader:
Mine's simple: when you hit "New Posts," you get to see when the thread was started, and by whom it was started. That's :thumbsup:
I'm still trying to figure out what some of the new capabilities are, but I like how smoothly everything seems to be working and appreciate all the effort that went into the upgrade. Thanks!:thumbsup:
I have no idea what Randy is talking about half the time. :poke: But I love the Portal!:cheerleader:
I have no idea what Randy is talking about half the time. :poke: But I love the Portal!:cheerleader:

Go to your Private messenger and scroll to the bottom right. You will see that you can download all of your PM's to an Excel document (csv) a flat text file or an XML format. So you can keep all of your PM's locally on your home computer and keep your messenger cleaned up if you need the space.

When you download the data you get all the good data, screen name, date, who its from the message content and more...

Try it out and use it if you have contact information in there thay you need often.

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