Just a suggestion


1. Create an excel spreadsheet for all the mods you plan to do over a period of time. This sheet should have fields for parts involved, links to files on your computer that have instructions and pictures for the mods, approximate time taken to do each mod etc. You get the idea - be as complete as you can...

2. Collect all the parts and documentation for each mod - you dont want to be searching when you are executing the mods (no pun intended...love the mods here

3. Complete all the mods in a single weekend - this is possible if you plan accurately and maintain that excel spreadsheet.

4. Get a friend to help - this is HUGELY important because...well...there is another thread about my attempt at installing frame-sliders on my own...

5. Have plenty of Gatorade "Rain" in a cooler and have another friend bring in the lunch and dinner...trust me - you WILL spend the entire weekend at work on the bike.

Dont wimp out - once this weekend is done - you are DONE and you can close out all the "Want to do" items on your Busa checklist. Savor the working week knowing that the next weekend is Ninja busting time!!

LOL, that is funny. I have a spreadsheet just like that. It has most of the things you mentioned as well as price and source of supply.
Trust me...I am so f***d by my frame-slider installation that I dont want to undergo the same sh*t again when I do the following mods:

* Fairing screens
* Full race exhaust
* Pair-valve mod
* airbox mod
* HID installation
* GPS and Radar detector install

I plan to do ALL of them in ONE-SHOT...too much trouble to keep wasting time at regular intervals instead of riding...this way is much more efficient, intense and satisfying at the end...

would TOTALLY suck to have the bike lifted after all this work - no amount of insurance coverage will help...:angry:

Fuggin thieves and politicians!!
Hey gsferrari
On the sceens I recommend the pre bent ones and use an epoxy to install them with,:)
Trust me...I am so f***d by my frame-slider installation that I dont want to undergo the same sh*t again when I do the following mods:

* Fairing screens
* Full race exhaust
* Pair-valve mod
* airbox mod
* HID installation
* GPS and Radar detector install

I plan to do ALL of them in ONE-SHOT...too much trouble to keep wasting time at regular intervals instead of riding...this way is much more efficient, intense and satisfying at the end...

would TOTALLY suck to have the bike lifted after all this work - no amount of insurance coverage will help...:angry:

Fuggin thieves and politicians!!
Become a gun owner. It'll never get lifted from you house then.

And I agree, NOT TO MENTION having digital photo's archived onto a CD, showing the bike, the VIN, and preferebly you with your riding gear, will help the insurance people if that does occur.
Trust me...I am so f***d by my frame-slider installation that I dont want to undergo the same sh*t again when I do the following mods:

* Fairing screens
* Full race exhaust
* Pair-valve mod
* airbox mod
* HID installation
* GPS and Radar detector install

I plan to do ALL of them in ONE-SHOT...too much trouble to keep wasting time at regular intervals instead of riding...this way is much more efficient, intense and satisfying at the end...

would TOTALLY suck to have the bike lifted after all this work - no amount of insurance coverage will help...:angry:

Fuggin thieves and politicians!!
That is alot to knock out in a weekend. Let me know if you need help. I now have the weekends off. Everything but the air box mod I have done at least once and some twice.