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watched all of 8 episodes of Ancient Apocalypse on same day

a lot of evidence pointing to ancient civilisations existings during the last ice age 8,000 years before the Egyptians, nearly all wiped out in the Great Younger Dryas 12,000BC - Meteorite storm caused the great floods and then a 'nuclear winter' nearly wiped out humanity.

some of the survivors of the lost civilisation built great monoliths and gave skills to the other resident hunter gatherers - It flies in the face of modern Archeology that civilisations started 5,000 BC

The wife has the Hallmark channel dialed in most of the time....I watch a couple of these movies with her to be nice but at the same time drive her nuts by comparing the plot to all the other Hallmark Christmas movies.

I swear the same person writes all these movies with a check off list as each one of them follows the same plot.
Sci-Fi Lol GIF by Justin Gammon