BusaWhipped home


Donating Member
I made it home last night around 11:00. 14 hours to do what is normally a 10 hour ride. 300+ miles of rain followed by 300+ of cold temps made the return home brutal. It was 44 degrees when I got to the house, and I was still soaking wet. Maybe its time to get some luggage and rain gear.

A big that you to Omar for hauling my stuff back to STL in his truck. And I wish BA BUSA beter weather for the rest of his trip. CTD and I ran into him at a gas station east of Nashville and with him in the rain until we needed to turn north while BA continued his trek west.
Sorry about the miserable ride,but glad you made it home
Glad you made it home Dennis! Great seeing and riding with you (well, far behind you) again

Glad to hear that you are home safe. Wish Wag and I could have made it to the bash! Maybe sometime we can get the bash closer to the "Devil's Highway" and us. To hear that many BUSA's on that road would be thrilling.

Hope you and your's are doing well.


Glad to hear that you are home safe.  Wish Wag and I could have made it to the bash!  Maybe sometime we can get the bash closer to the "Devil's Highway" and us.  To hear that many BUSA's on that road would be thrilling.

Hope you and your's are doing well.

The Bash will probably not move from its traditional home at the Dragon. I'm told Wag that if he organizes a Devil's meet and great, I'll be there.
good to hear you're home safe, brah-sux you had to ride in the rain that much, but at least it shoulda cleand some of the bugs off the front for ya!

hope we get to talk more next time at the Bash Dennis-ride safe!
great meetin ya Dennis. Glad you made it safe and sorry about the ride home. Look forward to seeing you again