Ohlins Steering Damper / Kudos to Hard Racing

Blanca BusaLess

Suffers from PBSD
Donating Member
So last week I ordered an Ohlins damper from Hard Racing.
Hard Racing On-Line Catalog

After reading about the different ones and all the pros and cons I decided to go with an Ohlins that goes in OEM position. I realize in some aspects the GPR or Scotts may be better for instant adjustment but here in Florida I just want it as stiff as possible and did not really care too much for the bulk of the top mount versions.
I also read Skydvr's thread and his experience regarding the after the sale need for a different bracket to make it clear fork tubes.
So after a bit more research and a call to Ohlins I find out that they have redesigned the damper for Suzuki models.
The one for our bikes (Hayabusa) also fits most if not all Gsxr models.
Old part number was and still is SD-187. New part number is SD-030.
What are the diffs you ask ?
SD-187 is older design damper with no capacity to accept an electrical plug I was told some Gsxr models have. Also internals have been redesigned to represent new model SD-030. New model SD-030 has a newly designed integrated 'floating' piston as well as different oil from last. Per Ohlins it seems that in some RACING applications the piston material as well as oil were getting too hot and creating an extra stiff feeling instead of consistency. New model SD-030 has newer finish that Ohlins called titanium and Hard Racing called Magnesium.
Also new model has laser engraved silver logo instead of blue ink rolled logo.

This is a pic of new model :

This is pic of old model :
(for diff bike)


Now since the Busa has no 'plug' in damper there was no need for that aspect but of course we all want the newest one. Why not. Dont plan on boiling the oil in it MOTO Gp style but nice to know I could.
So back to Hard Racing after the call and convo with Ohlins. Their site shows part number SD-187. I call them up. Really nice guy on phone tells me they show SD-187 on site but it really is the newer model SD-030 just without the 'plug' and therefore that is how they can sell newer model at that price.
After reading Skydvr's thread regarding bracket trouble he had I specifically ask them if the SD-187 they show that is really SD-030 comes with proper bracket for GENII Busas. Yes sir it does. Ok I go online and place order. In comment section on order page I specifically state please make sure correct bracket for GENII 2008-09 Busa is included. Two days later it shows up, super fast. Open it up all looks good , new model, go to install.
Guess what, wrong bracket still..:banghead:

Ok...now I'm thinking about getting my camera going and doing my best KML imitation but I decide to give them a call and see what they say before I threaten to demolish their buildings and families on youtube..:laugh:
(peace Ken)

Call Hard Racing and get Mike on the phone.
Initially he says 'Well we have sold 13 or so of these to customers with 2008-09 Busas..."
I say "Ok , maybe they have not installed them because it does not fit"

"You can send it back if you want" he says.

"No dont want to do that, how about you taking care of the customer and doing the right thing ? Please call Ohlins and tell them about OUR problem and see what they say."

Slight hesistation but Mike says OK. Give me a few minutes I'll call you back.
Dreaded words. I'll call you back, but in about 10 minutes he did.

"Saiid he says, Ohlins told me you are correct. There is a diff bracket and I will have one on Monday for you. Please mail back the incorrect bracket and I will send you new one as soon as we get it."

Ok so it cost me 5 bucks in priority mail fees to send wrong one back.
Sent it on Friday. They got it on Monday. Sent new bracket out on Monday.
I got it today. A delay of four days. No biggie. All is well. Hard Racing did the right thing and made the customer happy no matter what. Simple.
Thats why I write this thread.
I have asked Mike to obtain more than one of the current new style bracket so same thing does not happen again to another. I assume he has ?

Where are the pics you ask of install like I usually do ?
Well I'll be lazy and link anothers thread as I could not do a better job of detailing what I and he went thru.
This is link to Skydvrs install. It shows both brackets as well as the best how to install of this item I can find.
He does an excellent job of giving you the ins and outs and shows with great pics what to do..:thumbsup:


Blanca, you got off good; I had to BUY the larger bracket....
That's why I did not complain about the five bucks for postage .
When he said send it back an I'll send you the correct one I had your story in the back of my mind and sent that thing next day priority mail !
I sent Dan Kyle @ kyleusa.com an email with a link to this thread. Dan is the Ohlin's distributor who gave us the killer group deal on the ohlin's dampers. This is the response Dan sent me concerning Ohlin's dampers.

Dan supplies us as well as most other racers up here with Ohlin's suspension products. Dan is very well schooled on Ohlins products and has helped us through many bumps with suspension over the years! Actually Dan's Ohlin's suspension products and set up holds both track records here in Washington!


Totally WRONG

You can post this if you wish.

The Ohlins damper is a sealed design, as it heats up and cools down the oil inside expands and contracts.

The expanding oil has to go somewhere or it would leak out of the damper.

On the old design SD187 type damper Ohlins used a special type of “foamâ€￾ that is compressible, as the oil expanded this form compressed, as the oil contracted, the foam expanded.

This worked fine for 99% of the applications.

But during a race that 1% was not acceptable, so Ohlins made a kit with a different design.

This race design, used a spring loaded piston, so as the oil expanded it pushed the piston against the spring and as it contracted the spring pushed the piston against the oil, keeping air OUT.

Any air in the damper feels like a “deadâ€￾ spot. Air in a damper is bad.

The newest Ohlins damper now uses a new version of this Race design, it is a spring loaded piston, and that is what the SD030 has.

The Newer Suzuki GSXR's have a electronic controlled damper as the Stock damper. When you unplug the damper a “fault Lightâ€￾ comes on it the dash.

To turn this off Ohlins made a plug in Resister, this resister is completely separate from the damper and its only purpose is to keep that fault light off.

The damper body is a forged ALUMINUM, at the highest levels of racing, like WSB and Moto GP, Ohlins does make a Magnesium damper body, to save weight, it is not as strong, and does not offer anything other than a very small weight savings. No production, for public sale, Ohlins damper use a magnesium body.

We sell the SD030 for $339

We have the short bracket and the long bracket, same price for either.

Your price as members of Hayabusa.org:
SD187 $260
SD030 $299

Dan Kyle - dan@kyleusa.com
Tuf thanks but I am curious what you or he refers to as wrong ?
Seems like you say all I did just with more specifics ?
If you refer to piston diffs between new and old your answer or his does seem more like what they were talking about when I spoke to them.
As said it only happened during racing apps which do not apply to me but still I wanted the newer design. So please tell me what your thinking.
Just want to be clear on it as I am doing my best relaying what others said.

I spoke with Matt Sage directly at Ohlins but if I am off by a bit please correct me.
Sometimes my STML kicks in..

ps...Hard Racing price is slightly better but not by much.
I think basically you are correct. Dan just gave a more thorough and detailed explaination. Where Hard Racing says the damper body is Magnesium, Dan explains that the magnesium bodies are only available to race teams and not the general public as the only difference is weight.

Dan gave a very detailed explaination of how the internals of both dampers work. For you, me and everyone else who cannot ride with Ben Spies, the SD030 is way over kill. I have a number of the SD187 dampers and they work flawlessly in every application.

I think Dan's use of TOTALLY wrong may have been a bit over reaching but he did give us a very good explaination of the two.

Good write up on your damper experience. You cannot go wrong with Ohlin's! EVER! :beerchug:
Good info guys.

I think he said finish was magnesium not the part.

Either way good thread and thanks for the info.
Posted via Mobile Device
I mentioned Magnesium being the color or new finish Hard Racing calls it as you see in their pic above that I posted. Ohlins refered to it as Titanium finish.
I wasnt implying the body was made of either. Sorry if that was not clear.
I think by relaying info from a 5 day old convo sure I'm off a bit.
Just remember him saying something regarding a mix of what we both say above as well as the oil being diff now to help.
Agreed on the overkill but I hate getting the 'old' model'.
$279 shipped from Hard Racing and hopefully next person will get correct bracket.

Either way Vale better watch out...cuz OMG that thing added 10hp at least..:laugh:
Neglected to mention that when I took off the stock damper and drew the rod back and forth in my hand it felt like it had gravel in it.
Also there was a noticeable distance about a 1/2 inch where it would travel free and then catch.
This is only after 4000 miles. Maybe a defect maybe normal but it did not feel right. Others may want to check theirs.