Lookie Lookie: Posterboy for 2Fast, our own Tufbusa!


Jumps from perfectly good Airplanes
Donating Member
Check out the front pic of the 2013 flyer for 2Fast Trackdays...If you'd just put that TEAM GIXXER sticker on I sent you!


Oh Lordy DivrMan, you weren't suppose to post that up. I sent it to you so you could choose your time to come visit next summer and incorporate a track day or two along with our annual Oregon trip.

I was surprised as well as flattered that a photo of me was chosen for the front cover of the 2-fast.org 2013 flyer. With a copy of that flyer and three bucks I can get a tall latte at Starbucks :lol:

If you are interested in what we do at 2-fast check out the website "2-fast.org". You can click on staff-instructors and find my bio or simply click here "Linky" You'll find a brief background written with an entertaining Southern twist. :laugh:

I also instruct for SulivanRaceSchool.com along with a few dealerships that have instructional track days for their customers. Life has been very good to me and I'm grateful to have had the opportunities that came my way. I have developed a multitude of friends in the motorcycle world along that journey. Many of which are members here on the org. Thanks Cap for giving me the opportunity to hang around the org for so long. :bowdown:

Any member on the org interested in coming out to a 2-fast event, I'd be happy to entertain you for the day,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, if I can keep up! :cheerleader:
Steven, you humble one, when is your annual Oregon ride?
Doyle, it's usually the last week of June. Put it on your calendar and bring your big bum up here and enjoy a few days of fun in the outback with us! Good folks, great people, beautiful country,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,put it on your calendar!
Steven, you humble one, when is your annual Oregon ride?

Doyle, it's usually the last week of June. Put it on your calendar and bring your big bum up here and enjoy a few days of fun in the outback with us! Good folks, great people, beautiful country,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,put it on your calendar!

I hear this year it's gonna be Idaho. I have to start kissing up to Marc and Tuf early :)
Good to have a man with his knowledge,and skill set around, I always read and respect what he has to say.

Beware of cult leaders that wine and dine you then take you far away to an armed compound and make you drink kool-aid.
Waitasecond...Tuf, you're in Oregon? Whereabouts, if you dont mind my askin?

I live near Olympia, Washington. Oregon has some of the best riding country in the USA.

Beware of cult leaders that wine and dine you then take you far away to an armed compound and make you drink kool-aid.

Be afraid RayDog, be very afraid! :shocked:

When we get you away from home and in God's country we'll make a "Conservative" outa you! :grim:

I live near Olympia, Washington. Oregon has some of the best riding country in the USA.

Be afraid RayDog, be very afraid! :shocked:

When we get you away from home and in God's country we'll make a "Conservative" outa you! :grim:


We could have a "Raydog Intervention" ! :thumbsup:
I live near Olympia, Washington. Oregon has some of the best riding country in the USA.

I've been kicking around the idea of moving out to the Bend area of Oregon for the last couple years, but it's too dang cold here in phoenix, not sure how I'd handle the winters in a real snow state! :rofl:
I've been kicking around the idea of moving out to the Bend area of Oregon for the last couple years, but it's too dang cold here in phoenix, not sure how I'd handle the winters in a real snow state! :rofl:
If Phoenix is "too cold", I suggest you put a paddle tire on the Busa and move to the Sahara.
