When this post opened up I had to investigate the Ti Force hear say and Late last night I got a response from Tomoko San from Ti Force in Japan. Here's what he wrote:
Hello Ken-san,
Thank you for your inquiry. TiForce is NOT out of business. We are alive and well. This rumor began as we adjusted our business strategy and structure in the fourth quarter of last year. Apparently our competition perceived and our re-structuring to mean something negative as opposed to positive. We are financially sound and we are going nowhere but forward.
It is not uncommon for some businesses to generate negative information or distort information about their competitors in order to try and increase their sales. This is an ethically questionable business tactic that has existed for centuries in the business world as well as politics as you are probably aware. In America I think you refer to this as “dirty politics”. Please do not believe all of the propaganda that you hear. Thank you for taking the time to verify this rumor with us directly.
We still develop and manufacture the highest quality titanium exhausts available for large bore Japanese sportbikes, as well as some specialty exhaust systems for European scooters. Would you like to place an order?
If you need more information, feel free to contact me anytime. Or contact our US representative Landers Sevier at TiForce USA. Phone # 205 583 8601 or
Again, thank you for taking time to contact us.
Prepare to Win with TiForce!
Tomoko Suzuki
TiForce Japan"
I hope this settles any miscommunications.