How do you clean your Busa?


Hey everyone!
I was approached at a gas station recently and usually blow these approachers off BUT, this guy had a can of FW1 cleaner and sprayed it on my dirty work van and in an istant it was very clean... I immediately thought hmmmm motorcycle

So if you want something that will clean your bike no matter how dirty without water, you have to check this stuff out!
You will be amazed!

Reviews: FW1 Wash & Wax 17.50 oz. Aerosol Can (Special Internet Price) [FW1] - $19.99 : FW1 Racing Formula, HIGH PERFORMANCE CLEANING WAX IN AN AEROSOL CAN
seems like the only place to get it is from ebay.. Ebay is great, but some things I rather buy in the store. :whistle:
I dust mine off, clean off the bugs with plastic windsheild cleaner, and then wax. I normally never take a hose to my bike.
I live on a dirt road, so first wash and then wax with NXT, maybe some honda spray polish in between.
ICE synthetic detailer spray made by turtle wax , best stuff . I have to hide from my Honda buddies when they come over

My cousin gave me a can of it to use on my bike one day and I kept it. :beerchug: I had a chanse to buy it at a gas station before but I refused to. Now I will, it does a beautiful job
honda spray if you havent used it, try it you will be sold. It is so good that other dealers buy it and sell it.