Has anyone compared a FI unit to a Flashed ECU?


Just wondering if anyone has done a before and after dyno run, switching from a FI unit to a Flashed ECU. I changed from the Bazzaz to the Flashed ECU using the same map and my bike seems to be stronger. It could be the timing retard taken off for the stronger feel, but definately runs great. Hoping to have it checked soon.
I've heard some things but haven't had time to test my own for my own info. I'll let you know next year when I get some time... :beerchug:
units like the bazzazz and pcv are bandaids. you're fooling the computer into doing what you want. a reflash is allowing the computer to take full advantage of your modifications.
using ecu editor to flash the ECU allows more precise changes to the fuel map. This additional granularity should result in a better map and better performance unless you just blanket a bunch of cells with the same fuel values. Plus with the added ability to modify the IAP map separately you get to fine tune the fuel map for cruising. This is just talking about the fuel side of things. The ignition side is the other angle you get to take full advantage of. :thumbsup:
I had my custom map from Greg at HPC put into the ECU with Petriks conversion. I mainly want to make sure the A/F is close to what it was before. I don't have a way of adjusting it if the A/F is off any. Someone should of tested this by now...:whistle:
I had my custom map from Greg at HPC put into the ECU with Petriks conversion. I mainly want to make sure the A/F is close to what it was before. I don't have a way of adjusting it if the A/F is off any. Someone should of tested this by now...:whistle:
Ok Friday morning...10-2 see you then.
Well...not what I was expecting. My bike showed less power with the flashed ECU than my Bazzaz. The top one is from today and the bottom is from when we compared bikes. I have some differences like air filter( K&N race instead of pipercross ) and switched to fully synthetic oil. I also switched to the 87octane gas like some on here mentioned. I came home and put the Bazzaz back on and switched to my stock ECU. I am planning on going back to HPC this Friday and see if things go back to the original numbers. :banghead:


Exhaust Shootout SAE.jpg
Just to clarify some... the map converted into the ECU is running FAT on the upper end. Not sure if it is something in the conversion, but different than the Bazzaz A/F reading. Also the timing retard eliminated didn't seem to show any earlier improvement in the power curve. The added 600 rpm to the rev limiter didn't help because the power drops off before 11k. The top speed limiter removed is great, if I can find a place to use it...:lol:
i really don't understand you people's obsession with 87 octane. what's wrong with tuning for 91 or 93 octane? take advantage of the higher octane with a bit more timing.