I use a Cortech set of bags. They have a neoprene backing on each bag to guard against scratching or rubbing. Used them on many a trip and held all kinds of heavy and hard objects. The side bags have one thin and one fat velcro strap that goes across the passenger seat, but i have laid them under the hump if i just used the two side bags. the front and back of each bag has click fasteners that go to the passenger peg and undertail. I have installed 2 small hooks in the undertail, but you can just hook them together under the tail.
the top bag is a duffle style, but i also have a wedge type smaller bag for shorter trips. Both bags click fasten to the side bags and everything stays quite secure and stable. I have transported quite a few heavy items..(quart jars full of

) 350-375mi to the bash and had no isssues.
A few pics.