Soooooo my wife asked me to buy her a new dining room light for X-mas and even told me which one she wanted.
So I got it for her.
Today I took the light fixture down out of the living room, I took the ceiling fan down from the dining room and moved it to the living room, I then started to install the new light in the dining room when I was stopped by the wife letting me know she wanted it moved over 12" from where it was.
So now I get to go into the attic and find the next available rafter, cut a new hole in the ceiling, move the wiring and install the new light, Then get to patch the hole in the ceiling from the old light.
So I got it for her.
Today I took the light fixture down out of the living room, I took the ceiling fan down from the dining room and moved it to the living room, I then started to install the new light in the dining room when I was stopped by the wife letting me know she wanted it moved over 12" from where it was.
So now I get to go into the attic and find the next available rafter, cut a new hole in the ceiling, move the wiring and install the new light, Then get to patch the hole in the ceiling from the old light.