Why cant it be easy


Donating Member
Soooooo my wife asked me to buy her a new dining room light for X-mas and even told me which one she wanted.

So I got it for her.

Today I took the light fixture down out of the living room, I took the ceiling fan down from the dining room and moved it to the living room, I then started to install the new light in the dining room when I was stopped by the wife letting me know she wanted it moved over 12" from where it was.

So now I get to go into the attic and find the next available rafter, cut a new hole in the ceiling, move the wiring and install the new light, Then get to patch the hole in the ceiling from the old light.

:banghead: / :banghead: / :banghead: / :banghead: / :banghead:
Good luck with that project! Of course, moving it wasn't mentioned prior to starting, right? It's easy to make new plans and rules when the labor is "free". But, you gotta do what you gotta do! :whistle:
You should have know it was in the wrong place, god, its so obvious.:laugh:

Good luck with the project, i hear insulation is great stuff to work around. :banghead:
Just tell her you'll move the light if she patches the hole! :laugh:

My wife would say, "on second thought, it looks fine where it is"
Kinda like my wife....she wanted a dishwasher, so for 6 months i put her off telling her we have 3 (by that i meant 3 kids). that didnt go over well! So then i bought her one after procrastinating a bit i installed it. Took me better half of the week end then she really got to see how much work it invovled....cutting a hole in the cabinets,adding some plywood to the floor to raise the height, run new wate and sewer lines, run electric lines. whew.:banghead:, then she understood why i was really against it! she said i was lazy:poke:, ALL I CAN SAY IS I'M DONE GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR PROJECT:rofl:
you got off easy...

New entryway flooring (marble)
New paint (inside)
New fireplace front (marble)
New carpet (whole house)
Replacing all the track lighting

I might be done by the end of the month... but hey, it will look good.. I offered her a new vacuum cleaner...
My dad loves and hates christmas some years. If my stepmom buys him some new power tools that tells him there are some home projects that he is going to have to do.
Kinda like my wife....she wanted a dishwasher, so for 6 months i put her off telling her we have 3 (by that i meant 3 kids). that didnt go over well! So then i bought her one after procrastinating a bit i installed it. Took me better half of the week end then she really got to see how much work it invovled....cutting a hole in the cabinets,adding some plywood to the floor to raise the height, run new wate and sewer lines, run electric lines. whew.:banghead:, then she understood why i was really against it! she said i was lazy:poke:, ALL I CAN SAY IS I'M DONE GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR PROJECT:rofl:

They always seem to think it will be so easy to do
you got off easy...

New entryway flooring (marble)
New paint (inside)
New fireplace front (marble)
New carpet (whole house)
Replacing all the track lighting

I might be done by the end of the month... but hey, it will look good.. I offered her a new vacuum cleaner...

If you only knew

I have lived in 4 houses in the last 11 yrs, Each house completely remodled, even went so far on the last one ( 2 story ) to remove a load bearing wall to make a great room and tore out an ouside wall to replace it with a wall of glass doors.

This house so far she wants me to raise the ceiling, Replace front wall with the same wall of glass doors, install a fireplace.

Its never done. ( Misty take me away )
Soooooo my wife asked me to buy her a new dining room light for X-mas and even told me which one she wanted.

So I got it for her.

Today I took the light fixture down out of the living room, I took the ceiling fan down from the dining room and moved it to the living room, I then started to install the new light in the dining room when I was stopped by the wife letting me know she wanted it moved over 12" from where it was.

So now I get to go into the attic and find the next available rafter, cut a new hole in the ceiling, move the wiring and install the new light, Then get to patch the hole in the ceiling from the old light.

:banghead: / :banghead: / :banghead: / :banghead: / :banghead:

should have told here if you mess with the wiring everything will run backwards.. :rofl:
I always use these moments to add a new tool to my invitory. Anytime she ask me to do another project, itl cost her another trip to sears. :laugh:
instead of patching that hole...buy one of those fancy schmancy cieling buttons you know the decorative round wood things with trim...find one large enough to cover from the old hole to the new one and your done