Would you pull the oil pan or not?


Here is the situation: Bike is totally stripped...muffler and header off...getting ready for paint and mods. On replacing the oil first time I partially stripped some aluminum off of the pan with the steel oil plug bolt. After backing it out and cleaning the shavings off of the steel plug, new crush washer, she held the oil and never dripped. But it has annoyed me, preyed on me, kept me up sleepless many a night:whistle: knowing I had injured her and not repaired my ham-handed handiwork.
So, now is the time to think about what to do here. The question I have for guys like Mr Bogus and pro mechanics is this: Should I pull the pan now that there is easy access and bike is out of action for a couple of months and put a heli coil in it...replace the pan...do nothing and remain sleepless for ever and ever...what to do? Comments solicited as long as you don't invoke any remarks about my family tree or symptoms of my age being upon me:laugh: 2hip
Replace the pan...I helped my friend with his and it was pretty easy. There was shavings in the pan from the threads when we got it off. Will find the pics...
Not a pro, or Mr Bogus, but I would replace it. You know that it will fail at the least opportune moment if you leave it alone. Let me set the scene:
Your buddies and you are leaving on a ride tomorrow...
You: I need to get of work early today, change the oil and clean her up.
Your Boss: Uhh, we have a situation developing, need you to stay late tonight and work on it....
You: #$%^&^%$#@$#%! But I got this ride tomorrow and gotta get my bike ready....
Your Boss: And this is my problem how, exactly?
You: Fine.....

Later that night, you get home totally worn out thinking: Screw it, I'm gonna get some sleep. I will get up early and change the oil....
Wake up at 5 AM the morning of the ride, pull the bodywork and go to drain the pan. Bolt spins in place with a small stream of oil dribbling from it. Game over!
Replace the pan while you got it apart. (I suggest getting with Golden Child for a good deal on a used pan) Sleep soundly.Ride when you want, worry-free!
Okay, a concenus is formed...Then do you take the old pan and just put a new heli coil in it for back up or what? I guess what I am asking is what is the deal with heli coils...is it a solid fix or a little on the "iffy" side from a true mechanics point of view? 2hip
Pickup? There ain't no stinkin pickups in my oil cooler:laugh: Okay, what is involved with it? Is it a tube that has some sort of screen or filter in it? Is it terribly complex? Just remember I am not afraid to try anything and therein lies a huge problem:whistle:2hip
Heli-coil is fine for a temporary fix, and would probably last a long time. However with the large amount of good used pans readily and cheaply available it is not the preferred fix.
The pickup is simple to replace, just a couple of bolts. When I had a stock pan/pickup I tried to open the pickup and clean and/or replace the screen, you can't. New pickup wasn't very expensive so i went that route.
How much was stripped off. I mean if it was a tiny bit and I mean tiny then don't mess with it. You get bigger shavings off the gears during break in. And the filter handles them just fine.
My truck I would heli-coil it. My bike I would replace the pan. Oil under the rear tire would suck. Worth the $$$ in the end to not have to post up when oil covered your back tire and then, well you know the rest.
Im no mechanic, but if it were my baby, id replace the pan, check the pick up. Have you run the bike since "the incident"? of not, the pick up probly didnt get effected. Better safe than sorry, especially for $80
i stripped my plug a while back during and oil change, and gave all kinds of thought to the different options. i ended up rethreading the plug and used a pipe tap to hold me over till i could get a new pan. the new pan is definatly the way to go, if nothing else the piece of mind of safety and knowing you did your baby right is worth the 80 to 100 bucks.
DragonBusa...where are you? what clasifieds? Any info would be helpful...saw a turbo 2 in pan with swivel pickup on fleabay...wasn't cheap..2hp