Email I sent to sister asking for advise, what should I do?

Speed King

Email I sent to sister asking for advise, what should I do .org? I got myself in a jam tonight:

I must be crazy, Christin, the woman that I took a trip with to Florida two years ago came over to my house tonight with my $500,00 muffler she took off my bike and stole when I had my bike stored in her garage. We sure did fight a lot on that trip.

When she came over tonight with my muffler she stole two years ago we did a lot of hugging and kissing and said we forgave each other, then she went home. I am glad to have my muffler back but I did something that I know I am going to regret and wish I would have never done, hugging and kissing, saying I forgave her and giving her the idea that everything is fine now cuz she bought back my muffler. She's crazy like fatal attraction and I dont really trust her after what she did to me but I lead her onn when she came over here tonight with my muffler.

She was only here for about an hour.

I need help and advice, I got myself In a jam tonight and dont want to be with her anymore. I dont even want to be her friend.

Why did I do and say the things I said to her tonight? I dont know.

She said she was going to come over here tommarow morning and I said great like a dumb ****.

What am I going to do, I need help.:banghead:
I should have probably called the police on her but I am not that kinda guy, I was just glad I got my muffler back.

I have not seen or talked to her since 2007 when she took my muffler off my bike and all of a sudden she shows up at my house with my muffler.
mabey its part of a clensing thing...everyone makes mistakes...but dont make a 2nd one by not haveing your guard up
Tell her you don't want to have a relationship anymore, and that you want to just say good bye. Make sure when you tell her there's nothing of yours around for her to take.:laugh:
Nice Paulo! I say if she tries contacting you again, and your not up front with her, then you would be leading her on. Like Chrisjp said, maybe it was just like a closure thing, but I would sleep with one eye open.???
My last ex-wife sent me a letter after we had been divorced for 8 years saying how sorry she was, how it was all her fault, would I please forgive her even though she understood if I didn't, blah, blah, puke, puke, etc. I never responded or even gave it a second thought. No, I don't forgive her and never will. She destroyed our relationship and everything we had spent years building and almost bank-rupted me in the process. I don't trust her as far as I could throw her (and with as fat as she has gotten that wouldn't be far!).
I think your ex has shown she can't be trusted either and I wouldn't let her in the door. The best thing you can do for both of you is be honest since it will just continue to get worse and more complicated the longer it goes. I wish you the best of luck! :beerchug:
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BE CAREFULL!!!..............................i think she is trying to take your new muffler :rofl:

But on a side note. She kept your muffler for 2 years? does sounds a little crazy and it seems like she's always had you on her mind....creepy
This is what I would do. Put the muffler on your bike and do an ECU flash.
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Sounds like you know what you need to do. On a side note.....Think she could hook me up with a couple of alien heads? :laugh:
Dude, keep this woman out of your home. Greet her at the door and tell her its been 2 years and you have moved on. Leave the past in the past and don't look back.
BE CAREFULL!!!..............................i think she is trying to take your new muffler :rofl:

But on a side note. She kept your muffler for 2 years? does sounds a little crazy and it seems like she's always had you on her mind....creepy

I agree. Keeping the muffler she stole for 2 years is creepy.
Maybe she just needed the room for all the other Mufflers she has accumulated in the last 2 yrs :laugh:
OH boy, you sure did step in it didn't ya? Do not let her back in your home much less near it.
Meet her in a public place, take a taxi so she can't damage your property and cut this realtionship at the core. Make it very clear that you want nothing to do with her. If I was you I would also consider moving :laugh:

One thing about crazy women.....they never change....they just lay in wait!
What kind of whacko steals a muffler ?
A muffler !
Serious mental probs and kept it for two yrs ?

Stay away .
Remember a Guy by the name of BOBBITT ?