I need your help to fight criminals!!


GM of Haya's in the Hills
Donating Member
I have been participateing for a while now, supporting 2nd amendment rights. I have posted many pics you have seen of our rallys. Now the city is claiming an old hunting ordinance superceeds STATE law on firearms and WILL arrest us if we hold a rally in the park where we have held them in three times before. $100-$1000 dollar fine and up to 90 days in jail for doing NOTHING ILLEGAL. i am at work. I will post later the state laws clearly stateing citys cannot make firearm laws, PA supreme court cases UPHOLDING that law many times. will you simply donate as little as you want, all helps towards the $4000 retainer our firearms specific consulting group lawyer here in PA (he's good) to preemptly file charges on the city for their blatant disreguard of state law and charge then with the spplicable state and federal charges they are Commiting!!

Go here please help me and justin continue to fight for justice and our gun RIGHTS.

Help save the Second Amendment by Justin Dillon - GoFundMe
Chris why don't you find a lawyer friendly to your cause who won't charge you?
$4000 doesn't sound like he supports the 2A as much as his wallet!

I bet the NRA can help or put you in touch with one who will take up the cause pro bono on principle.
He is friendly and wrote first letter free. (Ill post that later) his office is 5hrs away and needs travel costs. NRA has been called. supposibly they dont get involved in "grassroot" fights. Im not asking for much, buck or two helps us move closer to takeing gge fight to them instead of throwing our hands up and saying "i cant afford" to challenge them. wich is exactly why they, even with overwhelming court evidence, will not revise the ordinance. It fits their agenda and they know the people are poor. i will call NRA also tomorrow as i am a mdmber snd see if i get run arround too
Here is tge first letter we sent to the city from the lawyer


city soliciter goes on record with news :
Gun Advocate Planning Rally in Perry Square

my freind goes to city counsel yesterday:
Erie Man Fights to Hold Gun Rally

here is copy of second letter laywer sent to city today. (sorry i dont have photo copy but here is text)

May 16, 2013
Mr. Gregory Karle
c/o Erie City Hall,
626 State Street
Erie, PA 16501
RE: Justin D. Dillon - June 22, 2013 Pro-Gun Rally
Dear Solicitor Karle,
I am writing in relation to my May 07, 2013 letter to you regarding Mr. Justin Dillon and the
June 22, 2013 Pro-Gun Rally. I have not received any response from you or the City and I
understand that during an interview, you stated:
Those procuring a permit can certainly go and protest. They can't be armed. If one is
armed, they are subject to a summary offense. The fine is about $100 to $300 and the
police are able to enforce the ordinance. See, Gun Advocate Planning Rally in Perry Square
As I stated in my prior letter, your Ordinance 955.06(b) is in direct violation of 18 PA.C.S.
Section 6120, which states, "No county, municipality or township may in any manner regulate
the lawful ownership, possession, transfer or transportation of firearms, ammunition or
ammunition components when carried or transported for purposes not prohibited by the laws of
this Commonwealth." Any violation of Section 6120 is a misdemeanor of the first degree,
pursuant to 18 PA.C.S. 6119.
Accordingly, I am again respectfully requesting that you rescind the ordinance. If I do not
receive a response from you by Monday, May 20, 2013, I will prepare and file a complaint
listing the City and those involved in the enactment and enforcement of this ordinance as
defendants. It is my hope that this can be resolved amicably without further costs and criminal
liability on behalf of the City and its employees.
Thanking you for your time and assistance in this matter, I am
Yours truly,
Prince Law Offices, P.C.,
Joshua Prince
Extension: 81114
Matter No. 30956
By fax: Mr. Gregory Karle
cc:Erie City Hall, by mail

here is link to the citys ordinances:
http://www.erie.pa.us/Portals/0/Con...0)/F-Streets Utilities and Public Service.pdf
here is 955.06(b):
(a) Bathing and Swimming. No person in a park shall:
(1) Designated areas. Swim, bath or wade in any waters or water-ways in or
adjacent to any park, except in such waters and at such places as are
provided therefor, and in compliance with such regulations as are herein
set forth or may be hereafter adopted. Nor shall any person frequent any
waters or places customarily designated for the purpose of swimming or
bathing, or congregate thereat when such activity is prohibited by the
Director of Parks and Public Places upon a finding that such use of the
water would be dangerous or otherwise inadvisable.
(2) Certain hours. Frequent any waters or places designated for the purpose of
swimming or bathing, or congregate thereat, except between such hours of
the day as shall be designated by the Director for such purposes for each
individual use.
(3) Structure on bathing area. Erect, maintain, use or occupy on or in any
bathing area any tent, shelter or structure of any kind.
(4) Bath houses or any bathing area. Dress or undress on any beach, in any
vehicle, toilet or other place, except in such bathing houses or structures as
may be provided for that purpose.
(b) Hunting and Firearms. No person in a park shall hunt, trap or pursue wild life at
any time. No person shall use, carry or possess firearms of any descriptions, or air-rifles, spring
puns, bow and arrows, slings, paint ball weapons or any other forms of weapons potentially
inimical to wild life and dangerous to human safety, or any instrument that can be loaded with
and fire blank cartridges, or any kind of trapping device. Shooting into park area from beyond
park boundaries is forbidden.

Chapter 61 - Title 18 - CRIMES AND OFFENSES (for those who like a legit reference)
§ 6120. Limitation on the regulation of firearms and ammunition.
(a) General rule.--No county, municipality or township may in any manner regulate the lawful ownership, possession, transfer or transportation of firearms, ammunition or ammunition components when carried or transported for purposes not prohibited by the laws of this Commonwealth.
(a.1) No right of action.--
(1) No political subdivision may bring or maintain an action at law or in equity against any firearms or ammunition manufacturer, trade association or dealer for damages, abatement, injunctive relief or any other relief or remedy resulting from or relating to either the lawful design or manufacture of firearms or ammunition or the lawful marketing or sale of firearms or ammunition to the public.
(2) Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to prohibit a political subdivision from bringing or maintaining an action against a firearms or ammunition manufacturer or dealer for breach of contract or warranty as to firearms or ammunition purchased by the political subdivision.
(b) Definitions.--As used in this section, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings given to them in this subsection:
"Dealer." The term shall include any person engaged in the business of selling at wholesale or retail a firearm or ammunition.
"Firearms." This term shall have the meaning given to it in section 5515 (relating to prohibiting of paramilitary training) but shall not include air rifles as that term is defined in section 6304 (relating to sale and use of air rifles).
"Political subdivision." The term shall include any home rule charter municipality, county, city, borough, incorporated town, township or school district.
(Oct. 18, 1974, P.L.768, No.260, eff. imd.; Dec. 19, 1988, P.L.1275, No.158, eff. 180 days; Oct. 4, 1994, P.L.571, No.84, eff. 60 days; Dec. 15, 1999, P.L.915, No.59, eff. imd.)

as you can clearly see...the city is oversteping their leagal ability to make law in our commonwealth.
Any violation of Section 6120 is a misdemeanor of the first degree,
pursuant to 18 PA.C.S. 6119.
At some point in time someone is going to have to peacefully resist. I know they will try but will several dozen peacefully gathered armed men allow one of their own to be illegally arrested?
that..is the question that we all have to ponder...but as our forefathers have said..."If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so." thomas jefferson
gee I cant imagine why the city would not want a bounch of men walking around the park with assault rifles strapped to their backs scaring the hell out of people while families are there with their children playing in the park. just cant imagine why they wouldnt want that....:whistle:

if you really think their gonna lift a city ordinance so you and ur friends can dress up in camo and walk around with guns in a city park so you can feel "Righteous" ur living in a fantasy world.

and where are all the criminals you need help fighting in the park? is this a violent park with a lot of crime?
Last time i checked it was perfectly legal to carry firearms in this country. comments like the one above remind me of a wonderful saying off of Happy Gilmore..."Spoken like a true idiot!" There is nothing illegal about carrying a firearm etc. I would stand up as well.
'Eh, I've given lawyers enough of my money in this life, the leeches that they are that really don't do much to earn their way (not all, but 98% LOL)

I'd contact the NRA first...a lawyer will gladly write up anything you want 'em to, for some $$. I'd rather have the backing of the NRA or other organizations truly interested in your right to assemble...

We've had many of the same battles with preemption laws here in Va. Mostly due to a local group (VCDL) - most local municipalites have relented and taken unenforceable laws off the books and signs banning guns in parks and such down. This process has taken years. And, was complicated by certain legal issues assoicated with local laws pre vs post 1994. A MESS. Keep up the good fight it appears the law is on your side.

After Shall Issue came about preemption was absolutely necessary. Folks would have CCW - drive three hours away to a city and get arrested for some local gun banning law. Almost all these cases were thrown out, but only after paying threw the nose for travel, attorneys etc.
so as a LEO sworn to uphold the law...when your state law directly counterdicts the law your city you work for...which law do you enforce??...just a legit question. And why do you choose to enforce that law??
gee I cant imagine why the city would not want a bounch of men walking around the park with assault rifles strapped to their backs scaring the hell out of people while families are there with their children playing in the park. just cant imagine why they wouldnt want that....:whistle:

if you really think their gonna lift a city ordinance so you and ur friends can dress up in camo and walk around with guns in a city park so you can feel "Righteous" ur living in a fantasy world.

and where are all the criminals you need help fighting in the park? is this a violent park with a lot of crime?

See, everything you just posted is what's wrong. These people who want to get together for a rally are simply there to instill the opposite of fear about guns. Yet your only argument is the fear it will cause. Well you know what?... People really need to educate themselves more about firearms and stop living in fear of them and get their heads out of Mr. Propaganda's ass. More people live in a fantasy world simply because it's easier to live life as sheep.

What's wrong with feeling "Righteous" about standing up for a law(s). How does one go about standing up for the things they believe in? I see one law contradicting another one. Just so happens the one being contradicted is of greater statue.

As far as violence in a park? Crime can happen anywhere... Even at Oklahoma city?

Do guns kill? YES! That is their purpose. Whether it's to murder or protect.
so as a LEO sworn to uphold the law...when your state law directly counterdicts the law your city you work for...which law do you enforce??...just a legit question. And why do you choose to enforce that law??

gee I cant imagine why the city would not want a bounch of men walking around the park with assault rifles strapped to their backs scaring the hell out of people while families are there with their children playing in the park. just cant imagine why they wouldnt want that....:whistle:

if you really think their gonna lift a city ordinance so you and ur friends can dress up in camo and walk around with guns in a city park so you can feel "Righteous" ur living in a fantasy world.

and where are all the criminals you need help fighting in the park? is this a violent park with a lot of crime?

Men gathering with guns in a park is no different than say a gun range or maybe a POLICE DEPT.
But it seems you have drank enough of your sides Kool Aid to actually believe officers gathered with many guns is safer than civilians gathered with many guns? And your reasoning is why? Probably because you believe yourself better than us. Sad...

Over 100 million gun owners strong in this country teaching the next generation the meaning of the words

Why should people carrying rifles frighten you or children? According to numbers, there are far more dangerous things that people overlook. Society and people with similar opinions as your self has made it so that the appearance of a firearms in public is tantamount to insurrection. Why? There use to be shooting clubs in high school. Wouldn't everyone benefit from exposure to firearms? Even yourself?

But hey, lets smoke a doobie :banghead:

gee I cant imagine why the city would not want a bounch of men walking around the park with assault rifles strapped to their backs scaring the hell out of people while families are there with their children playing in the park. just cant imagine why they wouldnt want that....:whistle:

if you really think their gonna lift a city ordinance so you and ur friends can dress up in camo and walk around with guns in a city park so you can feel "Righteous" ur living in a fantasy world.

and where are all the criminals you need help fighting in the park? is this a violent park with a lot of crime?