
As a kid I would sit on my front stoop and look in awe at the helmetless riders roaring by on those "huge" Nortons and Triumphs! Naturally I took to riding my older brothers Enlglish racer, although I could not fit over, I simply rode inside! When I was old enough, went to check out a used 250 thumper Triumph which fortunately would not start, so I plunked down my $350 on a '72 CB350 which was my year round transportation as a University Student. Next came a 550 Honda which I totally dissembled to fix a cylinder base gasket leak,which naturally leaked the same afterwards! But at least I cut my mechanical teeth. Next a beaten 650 XS 650 Yam and learned about vibration! First new bike was a 1988 supermagna 750 which I still own and ride regularly. I also own a 2000 HD Softail, and finally my 2004 Hayabusa. When Im not riding them I escape into my garage and do the maintenemce. At 58, I spend a lot of time crawling around my garage cursing at the little part that fell and disappeared! Life is good!

riding, traveling and working
New York
Anthony Gagliardi