I want to make it clear once and for all.
if I give tips / advice, then they apply to normal and standard motorcycles - here hayabusa
I have absolutely no clue about the use for racing purposes and I hold myself back completely and keep my mouth shut.
If someone is using a Busa on the racetrack, he/she should write this down in a very clear way in the question,
e.g. used on street / used on racetrack
if this is not mentioned, I will always assume that every technical question relates to normal road operations.
and by the way - what might be the percentage of racers out of the total number of haya owners in usa / in this forum?
around 5% or even less?
i have WhatsApp at my cell phone - 0049 172 32 32 050
but please have ´n eye on to the time differences between your place of residence and germany - could become "