Recent content by TZ750

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    Scott Guthrie, at age 59 3/4 an aging racer for sure, slammed Rich Yancy's street legal Suzuki Hayabusa hard through the 250 MPH barrier, to a final official record speed of 251.148 MPH.  That's the fastest speed ever recorded for a street bike, and the fastest record in history for what land...
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    211.3 at Maxton ALL MOTOR

    And, in that same picture above, JIM OWEN, Maxton's fastest nitorous bike is just to the right side of me, also in a green hat. Two guys named Owen, both fast at Maxton on the same day.  Could this be the beginning of a dynasty?
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    Maxton's Fastest Nitrous Bike

    Jim is an excellent example of the many things we appreciate in land speed racing: He is quiet and modest, almost to a fault.  He is willing to experiment with his own bike.  He goes very fast on a small budget.  He does it all without access to a dyno! And he is a nice guy and a pleasure to...
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    211.3 at Maxton ALL MOTOR

    Dave's run was pretty impressive!  I watched the run, and was pleased to see a pretty good "tuck." Which is often hard to do when one is a "maxton novice" and is looking for "The Turn!" Dave and I pitted next to each other, and swapped tips while our bikes were colling off between rounds. (I...
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    300+ MPH

    Hey, Hawk's:  I believe that a more expressive description of the bike(s) in question would be what we in LSR in the USA use, which is "open wheel" vs "streamliner." The open wheel is more or less like a road-racer, and part of both wheels and all of the rider(hands and forearms excepted) is...
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    300+ MPH

    If there are two (2) engines, and a special frame, than it is NOT a hayabusa, which was the question. When Don Vesco set the record at 303 MPH, he used a home-made frame with double Yamaha TZ750 engines.  When Don re-set the record at 318 MPH, using double 1015cc Kawasakis , he used the same...
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    Bonneville ONLY leathers?

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    Bonneville ONLY leathers?

    The ECTA is NOT moving in this direction!
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    Bonneville Motorcycle tires-What are we gonna' d

    Land Speed Larry is correct about everything he says. Perhaps to the point is that the bikes running 240 MPH plus on "street" Radials are doing it against the Bonneville rules. The fact that the inspectors allow SOME riders to "experiment" is another question. I would hate to be one of the...
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    Bonneville ONLY leathers?

    Bonneville rules are probably going to, for fire safety, require leathers WITHOUT CLOTH PANELS, and ith "limited"(whatever that means) perforations ONLY in the underarm and behind the knee. OK, I see that the "all cow, all the time" thing is for safety reasons, because of fire. No cloth or...
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    Bonneville Motorcycle tires-What are we gonna' d

    What are we going to use for tires on our REALLY fast motorcycles? Our rules do NOT give 50 MPH addition to "Z" rated tires. The rules give the 50 MPH to EITHER "V" rated tires, or to Road Race tires. That means that ONLY SHAVED ROAD RACE TIRES are "good" for OVER 200 MPH. Think about it. It...
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    "THE TURN" @ Maxton - You Thought We Were Kidding?

    I'm not too sure I'd like to try to ride a motorcycle around a turn with a parachute deployed at the same time. Do you have any examples of open-wheel bikes doing that?
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    "THE TURN" @ Maxton - You Thought We Were Kidding?

    Lee Shierts is one of the best all-around motorcycle race riders active today. Lee has been a championship-level road racer; including remarkable rides on 250cc two-stroke factory road-racers. Lee has also been a national-level drag racer. Lee is also the pilot of the #8 Rich Yancy 250 MPH...
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    Hey, Friend: I believe that any high-quality tire/wheel shop should have the (now required for Maxton) metal valve stems. I am in the process of re-fitting all my Maxton bikes with metal valve stems, at small cost. I found the stems at the bike shop that is, conveniently, next door to my...
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    *** MAXTON ***  March 27-28  The rules ane not very complicated, but they are tough.  Inspection is NOT as hard as bonneville.  Some road race associations are also tougher