Recent content by Versicarius

  1. V

    Hayabusa bogs down on cold starts

    At the moment whenever I start the bike from cold, the engine bogs down for a few seconds before idling as it should do. This only happens on cold starts and is generally worse the colder it is. In the video below you can hear it bog down a couple of times, but I've had instances where it bogs...
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    Oil sight glass indicating full after filling tank with 4 litres

    Changed the oil and filter recently, and due to the sight glass indicating that it wanted more oil (after running the bike and letting it cool), I ended up putting nearly the whole 4 litres in. After running the bike for a few minutes again and then letting it cool for an hour or so, the sight...
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    Dealing with shift lever using lowered pegs

    If the rearset is spaced out does this not cause the shifter linkage to not be straight? Or is this not an issue?
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    Dealing with shift lever using lowered pegs

    Installed 4cm dropped footpegs and had to lower the gear shifter and rear brake lever accordingly. However, the gear shifter is at the lowest point it can go (any further and you can't downshift because it hits the kickstand) and it still feels like it needs to go a bit lower to be comfortable...
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    New Hayabusa owner, gen 2

    Picked up a 2011 Hayabusa earlier this week, ridden it a few times since then and coming from an SV650, it's been very enjoyable to say the least seeing what it can do. The SV would be wringing it's neck at 100 whereas this will do it without you even noticing. Still getting used to the riding...