Recent content by White-HotBusa

  1. White-HotBusa

    Make Over

    Looks good with that extended tail! I'm wanting to put on on mine as I'm stretched 6 over and launches at the trackhave started eating at the underside of the tail. Was it hard drilling the holes in the tail section? Thats what has me worried about getting an extended tail. Also, do you have any...
  2. White-HotBusa

    Lockup Clutches?

    Lankeey, werent you on the Vmax forums?
  3. White-HotBusa

    Push Pins ..... Sponsors

    Here is where I got mine from. Bought the assortment so I would have spares of all sizes --BOLT Motorcycle Hardware--
  4. White-HotBusa

    Gentlemens club music??

    - Rob Zombie-***** Liquor[/url]
  5. White-HotBusa

    looking for a gps mount

    Not familiar with their product but I met the owners this weekend in Maxton. Very nice couple!
  6. White-HotBusa

    Tight Oakley

    +1 I have the same pair and love them!
  7. White-HotBusa

    slowed me down

    Somebody has been on Arfcom! :laugh:
  8. White-HotBusa

    Brock's Exhaust Question

    If you get a PCV it comes with the O2 sensor eliminator so you wont need the O2 bung drilled out.
  9. White-HotBusa

    Custom BBQ Grates for your Grilles from Tiger Racing

    These are really cool! Now if I could find a grill that will last long enough to make it worth buying one of these for it.
  10. White-HotBusa

    Tiger Racing Sponsor App (Selection Posted)

    Any word on when the results will be in?
  11. White-HotBusa

    Pinging any sponsors with carbtune

    Either way you decide you wont find a better sync tool...IMO
  12. White-HotBusa

    Pinging any sponsors with carbtune

    Not a sponsor but found these guys in California Morgan Carbtune Pro Carburettor Synchronizer - Motorcycle Parts and Accessories for the Sport Touring Enthusiast at Motorcycle Accessories from California Sport Touring, Inc. I bought mine directly from Carbtune so I cant say how good these...
  13. White-HotBusa

    Karma is my friend today

    In my opinion he still won't get fully what he deserved for doing what he did to your ex-wife.
  14. White-HotBusa

    tree sap

    A clay bar should work
  15. White-HotBusa

    please help me fix her 08 busa

    Here is a link to the microfiche: Microfiche Suzuki>Motorcycle>2009>GSX1300R>CRANKCASE COVER From what I can see in the pics everything looks okay but looks can be deceiving. Circled in orange are the two holders that hold those wires, just bend them over and the blue line...