New Member - New Busa Problem


Professional Booga Flicka
New member and new owner here, just wanted to say hi to everybody. Well, I picked up my new K8 Busa (black/gray) on Monday. Everything's great except for one huge issue. I can't wait to get through the break-in period so I can run the tach up and over! Seriously though, I'm in love with the bike! I don't need to tell you guys and how great it is. I'm really close to Deal's Gap, so hopefully I can get out and meet a lot of you guys at the Bash.

Ride safe
:welcome: to the board and congrats on the new bike...see you at the Bash :beerchug:
:welcome:--Enjoy that new 'busa--the break in period will be over soon. I live near the Gap too---if you consider that both the Gap and me are in the USA!!!
Thanks for all the hospitality! It'll be a couple of days before I can get my hands on a camera, but pics will be posted ASAP. Hope you're all having a good day.
:welcome: Congrats on the new addition, can't wait to see the pics! If things work out and the planets align, I'll make the run up for the fall bash. Hope to see ya then.
I'd advocate patience to get through the first 500 miles. Vary your engine speed constantly. The article linked by jdbusa is good (loading the rings with high pressure), but you mostly want to do it at lower rpms. A few occasional romps up higher won't hurt, but you really do not want to stay up at the top. Do your first oil change early. Most of the metal that's going to come off will come off within 500 miles.

Oops! Almost forgot to say CONGRATS on your new ride! :beerchug: