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Its Snowing Again

At work right now so no pics,

Just take my word for it, Big Big Flakes coming down :banghead::banghead:
What a winter! Can't say I'm upset to be outta the country while it's taking place. :whistle:

Hang in there all.
We are supposed to get it tomorrow night into Wednesday. As of right now though, it doesn't look like there will be much of an accumulation. But who knows? :dunno:

Global Warming :corner: !!
You could always move fuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrther south, then you won't have to worry about it. I'm personally ticked, we have only been teased with snow here billtown.
Posted via Mobile Device
This will be the 3rd decent storm that we get this year, most of the time we are lucky to get one storm that will dump 2-3". Last year I was able to ride for all but about 2 or 3 weeks during the winter. This year I haven't been able to ride at all since the middle of november.
You could always move fuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrther south, then you won't have to worry about it. I'm personally ticked, we have only been teased with snow here billtown.
Posted via Mobile Device

I agree with you! I feel that if it's going to be this cold it needs to snow like crazy! But since we are only getting like 1in here or a dusting there, it needs to warm up and let me ride!!!!!!
I was suppose to go up to Flagstaff with the infamous Scar and prove to you guys once and for all that Arizona does get snow. Luck would not be on my side, my is still at the mechanics shop.
Up here in the North West we are wondering where our snow is. I guess it got lost and didn't ask for directions. After all Florida and Texas got snow. It has been in the mid 40's here so I pulled my bike out of storage yesterday.

Enjoy all the strength you can build with a snow shovel.
That is the one thing that I love about living in Arizona. I don't have to use a snow shovel during the winter time. I can just go to the gym to get in shape. This reminds me that I need to start going to the gym!!
8 to 12 here tonight and tomorrow, Love snow but dont know where we ll put it. 4 wheel drive sure helps too turn the knob and go.
I'm getting bike fever bad, real bad. We're not even dug out from the last blizzard here in DC and now we're expecting another 10" - 16".

Had to pick up my daughter last night from the bus station. Even major (3-4 lane) roads are mostly down to one lane. What amazed me was that we didn't see many snow trucks out either.

As for Arizona, yeah, I sure do miss Phoenix - where we did get about 1" of snow one time, but it was all melted within an hour. My cousin up north of the rim says they've had so much snow that people's roofs are collapsing on their houses.
Looks like we dodged the bullet this time.
goody for you. but it's headed right for us. originally supposed to be only 5", but now they are calling for 10" to 16", and we still aren't remotely dug out from the last storm.

on top of that, I had the bright idea to sell my snowblower on sunday so we could put my wife's new motorcycle in the garage. at least i got a really good price for the snowblower. phone was ringing off the hook!