head light

  1. Down1Undah

    Low Beam No Power

    Gen 1 2006 I will get straight to the point here with the issue I am having - Low beam I believe is not receiving power The female connection for the bulb pins does not seem to have any power when tested via test light Fuse checked and good, bulb checked and tested, also good High beam also...
  2. Applesauce

    2008 Hayabusa LED Headlight Impossible to Find

    So I've swapped everything but the main headlight to LED and have this weird two-tone effect going on. For the life of me I can't find an H4 LED light that will fit the bike without bending the ever-loving out of the retaining clip and slicing the rubber moisture cover to accommodate the fan...
  3. L

    Help! Turn Signal Problem, Hi Beam Blinks Instead Of Turn Signal.

    Hi guys... First post. I was recently in a minor accident that led the bike to scrape its left side agains the ground, destroying the main wiring harness. I replaced the harness with a used one bought on ebay. Everything connected ok. Bike runs perfectly, only problem is strange behavior from...