
  1. Noon

    sprocket and chain change

    I'm changing the sprockets and chain on my 2005 Hayabusa which I've never done and would appreciate any tips and tricks . i have an idea of what to do but I've ran into something and I'm not sure what it is , please help there's some kind of a spacer on the sprocket cover and I'm not sure...
  2. KieranJ1992

    Gen 2 Hayabusa rear wheel spindle/axel siezed. Please help!

    Hello. After purchasing a new chain and sprocket set, I have come to fit it and realised that my rear axel A.K.A spindle is siezed up. I have tried whacking it several times, for hours, with a rubber mallet with rear paddock stand in use, wheel propped up, wheel on ground on side stand. You...