03 turbo hayabusa


i have a 2003 hayabusa with a stage 1 velocity turbo kit installed and professionally tuned. it is immaculant not a single scratch and clean as a whistle. has boost gauge and fuel pressure gauge installed. it currently has 18000 miles on it but the turbo was installed at 16000 mile so only 2000 on turbo....trying to figure what its worth to sell? $$ ?
i have a 2003 hayabusa with a stage 1 velocity turbo kit installed and professionally tuned. it is immaculant not a single scratch and clean as a whistle. has boost gauge and fuel pressure gauge installed. ran a 10.1 quatermile. it currently has 18000 miles on it but the turbo was installed at 16000 mile so only 2000 on turbo....trying to figure what its worth to sell? $$ ?

Dyno sheet may help to determine the value of the bike.. that 1/4 et won't help with the sale and pics too
N/A good condition bikes are around $6-7k add 2 or 3 more for the hair dryer IMO
You never get out what ya put in, especially givin the current economy