04 r1 ain't got nothin


orange peel is caused by excessive speed
Donating Member
ran across an 04 r1 tonight.... went riding around for a while before we ventured out to some deserted road.

I pulled up beside him. We were doing about 80mph

He pins the throttle and I also pin it. I look down and realize I'm in 1 gear to high. tach say 4800 rpm or so. Dangit.

so instead of backing out I just kept on it. He instantly pulled about a bike length on me. But as soon as I reached 7k I started reeling him in and passed him and kept on it till about 170 and backed out only to see him about 6 bike lengths behind.

I think if I woulda been on the ball and had it a gear down I would pulled him from the start.
nicely done!
cracked the big blue machine! i wonder if they feel like they bought the wrong bike? hell be on the r1 website saying "i raced a busa tonight and i pulled him!"what?
That's a different outcome than when we raced the R1 the other night. We did multiple runs and the results were the same every time. The R1 pulled out front of the Busa every time and the Busa never caught up. I was on a modded ZX12-R and Gsteve was on his new 04 Busa. My 12 was side by side with the R1 every time and would not pull away until over 140 or 150 mph. Once the Busa got going it would keep up but would be a few bike lengths behind. I am totally impressed with the R1. For a bike with 300 cc's less than a Busa and 200 less than the 12 it is very impressive. Don't take a roll on lightly with a new R1. Make sure you are in the right rpm range or you might spend more time than you will like staring at the rear of a new Yammie.
i read this post and called a friend of a friend who has a new r1 and went for a spin with him and it is fast. we switched and i kept doing wheelstands until i got used to it but it is a nice ride and light doesnt do it justice, it felt like a dirtbike on crack. like rizzo said you better check yourself if you want to roll a new r1
I have to agree the r1's are fast
I have raced one (roll on from70mph) and it was close and he was all there but the bike was supped up to all hell, a bike shop owner and racer owned it so you know he knew what was up

stock i think the busa is plenty fast for to beat it
but it all comes down to what your goon use it for
1/4 busa
track r1
I'm not saying the r1's are slow cuz they're fast as hell... but I still think a decent rider can take one on a roll.