'05 Busa vs. '98 R1


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About 4 months ago a new lawn man began cutting my lawn. I used to do it myself but my work schedule is too hectic for me to keep it up. Anyway, he came over one day while I was washing the Busa and he was shocked to see I had one.

"Whoa, you got a BUSA!"

"Yeah ..."

"How fast have you taken it?"

"I GPSd it to 185 but had to let up 'cause I was coming up on traffic."

"Oh okay. I got a '98 R1."

"'98 ... ? ... you going waaay back ain't 'cha!"

He laughed a bit and proceeded to cut my lawn. This was about 2 months ago.

Well today I had it parked outside when he came. When he was nearly done I walked outside to checkout his work. He walked be my and indirectly said, "I got a Yamaha for you."

"Oh yeah, well whenever you're ready you let me know"

Now he turns to me and says, "you know ... I don't think I ever lost to a Hayabusa."

"'Cause you ain't race me yet."

He turned back around and kept walking as did I.

Now I honestly don't know what he has on the bike, but for some reason I don't feel the least bit intimidated. I'm willing on betting a modern day 600 could out run a '98 R1. Did they even make R1s back in '98? Did they run off of coal or something?
1998 was the first year the R1's came out.


It created 150hp and 79.7 ft.lbs of torque at the crank and weighed 390 pounds dry. So unless you weigh 300 pounds or he's got some engine work done I don't think it would be much of a race.
So unless you weigh 300 pounds or he's got some engine work done I don't think it would be much of a race.
In that case he'd better have some engine work. I weigh a mighty 160lbs.
hahahaha, no chance, though it's all in the rider. But my money would be on you. I did not even know they made R1 back then, is it even fuel injected?


hahahaha, no chance, though it's all in the rider.  But my money would be on you.  I did not even know they made R1 back then, is it even fuel injected?

Now THIS I know the answer to.


A friend of mine has an '02 R1 and its on a carb diet. I'm not sure when they introduced FI to the R1's but I highly doubt if an '02 doesn't have it a '98 will.

I would have said, "You've got an 1998 R1 eh? Have you got a lawn mower too? You do? Well then, finish my f#cking lawn."


hahah KML is too funny. Unless the R1 has nitrous or a person named Jesus with the last name Christ Im sure you should put a whole lotta money on yourself..
So whens the race.
Well, I told him to let me know when he's ready. I'm not gonna push the issue with this guy. Had he had a modern day liter, maybe. But I'd feel like a bully if I was to push him into race me with what he has. Granted he is the one who said he never lost to a Busa, but still I'd rather he pick the time.

No matter what though, it'll be at a track. I want that time slip ...
You should make a bet with him....

race him:

you win-he cuts your lawn for free for an entire year.

he wins-you pay him double what you're paying him now.

My prediction:
