05's faster?


Someone please give me an opinion on this. I just purchased the 05 red and black busa, and a few times this year I've ran against a good friend of mine with an 03 busa. In the beginning we start out neck and neck, but when I shift to second I pull away very far ahead, and from there it just gets worst. My man can't figure it out and neither can I, he does have his entire bike chromed with a two brothers single exhaust, but I don't think this has anything to do with performance. Whats up with this?
that chrome is slowin him down !
You are not dreaming, everyone knows the 05 red/black is the fastest color. Those of us who own them were hoping to keep it a secret but now you have let the cat out of the bag. LOL!
switch bikes and i bet you ll beat him the same.sounds like he s not wacking it and you are. its all about rider!!!

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Adding chrome to a bike, especially full chrome will add at least 50lbs to a bike. Shouldn't make that much of a difference though if you are both good riders.
I don't know about the 05 Red & Black..... But I do know for a fact that the 05 LE is the fastest of all.... hands down bar none.... Just ask me.....
it's true...... really...........