Hey guys, so i just purchased this bike from my brother. He had it for 2 years before i got it and he wasn't riding it. I did some custom work to it like powder coat and fresh paint. I didn't touch the engine. But once i has everything back together i took it out for the first ride and i was horrified by the acceleration. It would chatter/make a loud knock noise and the bike would buckle back and forth until i was over 2500 rpm. It doesn't do that after 2500rpm. but when riding it doesn't accelerate and doesn't have its full power that it should,. So I'm thinking maybe it need a fuel system flush. I cleaned the fuel filter and put new gas in. When the bike was standing in neutral it would chatter but once i pulled the clutch in it stopped. So i did some research and found out about the clutch mod and i welded mine like they say to. I also installed heavy duty clutch springs. So now the chatter is gone but the the noise and buckle on acceleration is still there and so is the power loss issue. I just ordered the cam chain tensioner, TRE, and new plugs. I hope that fixes my issue. do you guys know of anything else that i might look for? Thank you!