08/09 Fork measurements


Hi all,
New here. I'm looking for upper and lower outer diameter fork measurements where the forks slide into the triple clamps. Looking to upgrade on a project.
What I'm trying to do is mount a set of Radial Mount forks on my TL1000R. I know the Hayabusa has the 25mm internals and a great look. I just need to know if the measurements are either the same as Gen I (that would be perfect) or if I need another set of triples.
Anyone have a set of calipers laying around and want to walk out into your cold gararge and wish your busa a Happy New Year and quickly take a measurement?
There might be a 2 liter bottle of Fresca in it for you. And not the diet crap either.:please:
I can measure it on monday my calipers are at work
I have 08 forks on my gen 1 busa I had the lower clamp bored out 1mm
Welcome to the oRg, someone will chime in with the information you need.
hell i think for 1mm all youd need is some sand paper and 20 minutes of your time..???