08-12 hayabusa lever replacement


so ! im not so much of a newbie . but i purchased some levers and ! .... this levers seem to not fit its the 3rd pair they send me and the clutch gives me a problem.... if i post a pic will any one tell me if I'm going crazy or they keep sending the same crap all over again :banghead::banghead::banghead:
If rhey're right they should go right on and work. Who made them, and :welcome: to the oRg
Did you take off the sleeve from the stock clutch lever? Once the sleeve is put onto the new lever. Make sure and align the push rod from master onto the clutch lever sleeve.
If everything is aligned. Give the lever a good push as you were trying to engage the clutch. It should push in enough for you put in the bolt.
I did .... Looks like the clutch lever has something where the bolt goes thru it's not right can I post pics here ?
Also !!! Clicked on 7 the lever is 3 inches away from handle and can't go down to 1 because will not fit at all
Contact the person that sold them to ya, sounds like something is wrong here.

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Welcome to the Org BEBO! Us Milwaukee guys are growing bigger and bigger! Wisconsin and the Midwest is getting bigger and bigger, Look out everyone!!! Oh and Big E knows his stuff, if what he says don't work, then they are the wrong pair. And yes, you can and must post pics!!!! :welcome: