1/4 mile wreck... well, not that far.

16MB! Good thing I have broadband!
Sucks to be at the track that night, prob took a while to get the tree back up. Perfect reason to stay at home if you don't know how to ride.... The track must not have been preped right, mine never spins like that, it just wheelies. Good post, what not to do on track night.
I guess it was his first time, cuz his reaction time is just terrible
ouch.. that sucks.. ahha

what would you do in that situation... haha go pick the bike up.. bow what??

I think I would had ta done a little bow.. maybe even a curtsey.. walked over and atleast picked my bike up even if I didn't move it yet..

haha dirt bike pre-conditioning.. if you can walk go pick the bike up.. the long it's on it's side the harder that bEEEtch is gonna be to get cranked back up.. and ain't nobody coming to get you anyways.
He obviously didn't know WTF he was doing.
Probably some loud mouth who said yeah lets race and ended up lookin like a retard.
the one where the guy wheelies off the line and jumps the middle barricade is better I think.. lol

somebody probably has it.. link it up fooools!
Id say she got a bad launch and was probably looking at the guy in the other lane and thinking " I suck" so she cranked it hard.