So, I take the busa to work today as it was expected to get up to 89 here and Vegas (gotta ride in on days like this!). After work as I was getting close to home, I noticed that the odometer was I made up my mind for some reason to make sure I was at triple digit speed when it turned 10k. So I continue up a favorite strecth of road heading north out of soon as it turned 9998, I turn around, heading back towards town and open her up! I'm happy to say that it broke 10k at just a bit over 150! Now, what's the point of all this?? Nothing, I suppose...other than it's been a fun 10k...I've had no major problems with this bike other than my first ticket and chewing through rear tires!! I still can't help but to have a smile on my face when I twist the throttle! I'm hoping for another fun filled 10k!!