10s harley?


I rode my bike up tp see my brother the other weekend, it seems that no one has ever seen a busa before up there only heard of them. He lives in a small town near goderich, ONT. anyways the town is full of harley's, the weekend was great rode lots and had a ton of compliments.
i was talking to him on phone when i returned to my small town, and tells me the harleys are talking poop bout the busa?? there telling him they have a bike that can beat me?? has anybody ever heard of this bike?
Yes, they borrowed a Turbo Busa to race you. I think that's the one.

my question to this guy, and i think i saw this on another post is y put up a stock bike vs a super done up bike???
y when u tell someone u own a hayabusa they can automatically think of someones uncle that has a bike has beaten a busa before?? big deal?? im the one with the chicks takin off her clothes for me haha
my question to this guy, and i think i saw this on another post is y put up a stock bike vs a super done up bike???
y when u tell someone u own a hayabusa they can automatically think of someones uncle that has a bike has beaten a busa before?? big deal?? im the one with the chicks takin off her clothes for me haha
I have to respectfully dissagree, if you ONLY race stock bikes, which we all know our STOCK busas will smoke, what is the fun in that? It is kind of like a 15 year old playing basketball with a bunch of 10 year olds! I see nothing wrong at all with a car that is suped up or another bike that has some work wanting to race. That is the pot calling the kettle black, cause I know you would be quick as hell to race a stock CBR 600 so why not be quick as hell to race anything that is not a SURE win? Just my honest opinion, not trying to bash anyone
I have seen many times situations like the one you speak of. Usually it is some guy who put a cam and a pipe on a bike and thinks that it is faster than anything ever created. He also likely has told his buddies for years how his HD can beat anything and they are likely telling him how you are saying that your busa will kick the crap out of his bike too.

There are top fuel HD's that run sub 8 second 1/4 but I say your chances of winning are about 95%.

Here are some 2 motor Harleys that ran in the salt a few weeks ago. Worry if they pull out something like these!

Good luck!!!

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hey johnny hotnuts, definatley will look out for those bikes lol maybe next time im down i should go see what kind of bike he has
the only other thing that scares me is that im a 1/4 mile racer, never done it, never taken off from the stop so if thats what he wants, i might cluck and duck