180 rear on the Bus?


I searched, but to no avail...

Has anyone run a 180 rear on their Bus? I've got a brand new set of Michelin Pilot Roads in the garage. I bought them from SW Moto Tires, intending to shoe them on my FZ1. Traded that bike though.


I'm going to e-mail SWMT and inquire about an exchange on the 180 for the appropriately sized 190, but in the interim, I'm curious if anyone's run a 180 on their Hayabusa and what their impressions were.


Indeed I have.. First, welcome to the board!!

I tried the 180 BT56's and liked them better than the 190's... Just recently I went to the 180 BT014's, and I it WAY more! The bike drops into the corner and holds the line way better, in my opinion. I know Banditoo runs a 180 on his as well (BT010 or BT020, I think) and he loves it too. I think I'd be hard pressed to go back to the 190, although I like the look of the fatter tire better.. but it's all about the ride, isn't it!
The bike would definatly turn-in alot quicker. The reduction in contact patch is not even worth mentioning unless you seriously into drag racing the bike.
loved the 180 for turning, didn't care for it above 140 - a tad less "planted" for me. I went back to a 190 cuz I like high speeds a lot
I only run 180's.. first the sport tec m1 and now the bt-14.. love it.. the guy that put the 180 on took it for a test ride and came back and said it turns in a lot qwiker than his buddies that has the 190 on it. this guy actually races so i would take his word for it.. i only have ran 180's so i cant compare the 190.. but like the guys said , if u like the twisties go with the 180, u wont regret it
i just took my 180 duns off due to them sliping on me coming out of corners.
yes they turn better and the bike drop quicker
they look like dancing shoes on a foot bal player but they corner very well
right now i am tring something diffrent
a 190 60 series the patch is huge but the tire is alot rounder then the 190 55 or 50 series
a 60 is taller side wall thus higher rear end thus better turn in.
i have 190 60 duns and they are 208 gp's race compound on them and so far yes its harder to turn in but it is alot more stable in the corners and more stable in the straights. btw i havent broke them loose yet once warm
the 180 always broke loose warm or not but cold it was like riding a dirt bike it was all rear wheel steer all the time.
look at my avatr thats a 180 55 street tire on the back and it did great expect leaving the corners .
if i dont like the 190 60 i will go back to a 180 55 only this time it will be a m1 or better and race compound.
Like everyone else is saying, the 180 turns in alot quicker and is a bit more fun. The only downside I found to it was that I was going through tires about twice as quickly as 190's for some reason
Good intel, thank you guys.

I'm hopeful SWMT is willing to swap my 180 for a 190 and some cash, but if they don't/can't, at least I can run the 180 on the bike w/o worry.
180 would ba a bit lighter than 190, I think...
Maybe that's why Vincent you went through tires faster, as lighter would equal more power to the rear ( since tire is lighter and faster to speen ? )....

Should be easier on the sprocket too, if you like alot of engine breaking .....

could be wrong...anyways.....

may the road be good, and sky fair...
enjoy your ride.
I've been running 180s since I swapped out the stock ones. Quick flicking in the twisties and not bad at 170 either.
Well, SW Moto Tires agreed to take the old rubber back, no questions asked. What a great company - I'll never go anyplace else for new tires.

Anyway, I'm having them send me an OEM replacement Bridgestone BT56 190/50ZR17. I'm sure I'll wear the rear out 2:1 to the front anyway, so I'm good to go; new rear tire coming and a refund to my plastic to boot. I'm happy.

Now would be about the time posters will come in here and tell me the stock rubber sucks?

Fair enough - sport touring, occasional hard sport riding, commuting, etc.

No drag racing, no burnouts, no wheelies... although I do enjoy an occasional blast through the gears which, with power such as the busa's, can be hard on rubber, lol.

They seem to work pretty well for me so far though.
OH YEAH the hard on rubber part: I get new rear with every oil change, new front every other. I gue$$ we forgot to mention that part about your new purcha$e. ENJOY!! BWAHHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!
Alright I know you guys are going to flame me for this but I had on 04 ZX-12 R it was recently stolen but while I had it I made the swap from a 200 to a 190 then a 190 to a 180 and I was more impressed with the way the bike handle'd with the 190 than either of the other two I did the swaps all in the same day with the same type of tire just different sizes Dunlop D208 A, I found that with the 180 I was more prone to loss of traction in the mid to high end power range on any given condition granted drop in was amazeing but what good does that do when you can hold the traction through the turn.

With the 200 it was great for drag racing and wheelies but drop in was horrible and control was at best difficult to maintain in a nice high speed sweeper.

With the 190 however I gained the best of both worlds Drop in was increased dramatically while traction was retained and with the 190 the bike was not such a work out when running through the switch backs.

So in my thoughts I would say that it really depends on the type of bike your on as for the busa since it was designed stock to have a 190 I would think that the decrease to a 180 would greatly improve drop in and its ability to hold a line but you will be giveing up some straight line traction and high speed stability.