2 Bikini Bike washes Scheduled on the same day!

Big E

Donating Member
For you guys I went to both.  Enjoy the pics.

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I didnt stick around too long at the first bike wash. The shop kind of did it at the last moment and really didnt advertise at all. So off to the next shop.
Thats it for now ladies and gents. The bike washes were on the 18th of June 2005. The first set of pics were at Cycles USA in Silver Spring, MD. The second set of pis were taken at Heyser Cycles in Laurel, MD.
Also the girls at the second shop almost caused a quite few accidents the 30 minutes I was there. Brakes being over worked by the cagers. If only I can locate the other bikini bike wash pics I have from DC Cruisers.