2 bros x- metal slip ons for sale

OB_Sonic Boom

Heck of a deal, Jelaime. Unfortunately the old lady is already having a fit. Gotta keep the peace. I'll have to back out.

Thanks. Anyone else?
Sorry 500.00 and you pay shipping is my final offer. I also need to keep the peace with my wife. Thanks
600 miles and these are sharp cans.
x-metal series (x5)oval. Goldish color from
the weaving around the carbon fiber. I get a ton of compliments with these. I am selling to get a full system with these cans on the end. Paid 725.00 new make me an offer and i will include shipping.
Any need to rejet? I'm still considering also but for 200 more bucks I get new ones with a full warranty. Tell your wife that $25 is a lunch at McDonalds and she won't be so upset at my offer.
Not exactly a rejet, but Yosh. recommended a bump up of +5 on low end only. It's not really necessary, but anybody with a Yosh. box can do it in 10 minutes. A recent dyno run showed it is still slightly rich at peak hp.
Nygie- Shipping to the UK, Ill have to investigate, but my previous post stated 500
with the purchaser paying shipping. You guys
are tough!!! I just got a call from two brothers and the headers are b/o about 2-3 weeks. I am going to stay on them and as soon as they are available the slip ons are outa here that day. If someone agrees 500 and pays shipping I will not sell them to someone else. If the 2-3 week wait will not work, tell me I will work with ya. Ps I will also be glad to include the mounting hardware
and brackets to install everything. Thanks
Hey Jelaime, how loud would you say those cans are?

BTW, still trying to work on the wife...may have to wine and dine, or something more drastic :wink:.

Whatever happens is cool.
Sonic boom, I have a similar setup. The cans are louder than stock, but not really loud. They have a very DEEP rumble. Great sound. Very little performance change,
I understand about the wife, mine still does not understand how you spend 11,000 on a motorcycle and the stock products are not ok.
oh well. The sound over stock (wich is all I have to compare it to)sounds like a low rumble at idle to 3,000. At that point the sound is not so low but a deep purrrr to 5-6000. From that point a purrr slowly raises up and around 10,000 the bike is a throaty roar. I know this is hard to picture but is
is not a high pitch like smaller cc bikes give. The moment I heard these on after the change I loved the sound. I sometimes leave
early in the morning and my wife says it is not an annoying sound nor to loud as I try
to pull away quietly.
Slowhand...Cool! So maybe 90db or so. That's great. And the last thing I need is more power. We're going for a balanced look and better sound.

Jelaime...you hit the nail on the head there. Except I spent closer to 12K for mine here in CA.

Now...to make myself feel even sicker, how do you think those cans will look on my silver/blue?

[This message has been edited by Sonic Boom (edited 11 July 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Sonic Boom (edited 11 July 2000).]
My 'busa was a Fathers Day gift from the wife and kids. Is that awesome or what!?

Still working on the pipe situation guys...

[This message has been edited by Sonic Boom (edited 12 July 2000).]
A busa as a gift!!! Wow thats great.
Actually the purchases and sales of the busa products I get involved in are on my own shoulders. She thinks I spend way to much time on this site so she wonders what topic of discussion I am involved in and I will fill her in and get her response. As long as the bike is together so we can ride as much as possible she steps back and lets me enjoy!! We would love to plan a ride with other busa owners that may ride with a spouse,girlfriend or other in the near future. We are in Phila but can trailer the bike to a central location, meet and go.
Anyone interested?
Well the $25 lunch did not go over to well,
but hey my wife is awsome! How many busa owners can say thier wife has full matching leathers and will let you crank wheelies with
a quick warning tap on the leg, in the middle of a 30 bike ride (all cruisers and harleys) for some bloodflow!! And then says as the ride is ending, can we now speeeed up?
The lowest I will go is 500. with the shipping to be covered by the purchaser. As far as rejetting, I ran these without a pc2
for a hundred miles but was not happy with the overall power gain, so a pc2 was installed and map #2 with no changes to the map and the bike instantly felt stronger with the throttle response and mid range feeling much chrisper. I still have that dreaded stutter @ 3400-3900rpm, but I had it from the day I purchased the bike. I would reccomend a yosh or pc2 if available to get the most from this product.2bros also reccomended this change.
These cans will look SWEET on black copper red or blue. You will have people comenting on them anywhere you go (harley guys always ask) what are they made of? This is why I am putting these exact ends on the full system
I am getting, and waitind weeks (B/O) for them in the process. I am sure muzzy or Akro are a better performance buy, but they don't come in X-Metal!
Lee- I also wanted to say, for 200 you can buy new ons, yes but 200 also buys a new rear tire or a pit bull stand or mototeck gauges or TMH box mod or new visors for your helmet or a nice sat eve dinner with your wife,I can reccommend the best places in philly. And 2 brothers should honor thier product because it is less than 2 months old.
Hey...you are talking about your wives...we are yet the sex that’s understanding and giving! But how the heck do I get a stubborn husband to spend $2000 on a programmable control box? :( Wine and dine won’t do the trick here…any suggestions??