200.3 on Radar Gun


Local 2000 Busa owner went 200.0 and 200.3 on a bike that has never had the valve cover removed. Radar runs were done with a $2000.00 Stealth radar gun. Gearing was 1 tooth down from stock, Yosh pipe and PC2. Bike was totally naturally aspirated. 200 mph NA has long been a goal with our group and this Busa finally did it.
Owner has done other mods to the bike but out of respect for his hard work I will make no other comments as to what was done to the bike. It is truly remarkable that this bike did this with so little done to it. The Busa has definitely raised the standard by which high performance motorcycles are judged.
Must be that good, dense sea level air down here. Funny how none of the ZX12's around south fla. are coming out to play???????
What are they waiting for?
Drew, there waiting for at least 100 more cc's!!! By the way, you ever regret not getting the 12?(lol)
Ran up on a green one today, left him like a bittch with bad breath. After I let off he pulled alongside shaking his head, I jestured the throat slitting signal and he nodded in confirmation. Another victim of that mighty 1300. Thanks again Motorhead!

[This message has been edited by OMEGA (edited 21 May 2000).]
Where the **** did you crawl out from? Better yet who the **** are you? Anyway, the guy weighed 210. I weigh 250. Hope that cleared it up for you.