Sorry I'll get better at this posting stuff...I know the coils are overheating because I pulled the number one coil and I near got blisters on my gets to operating temp( half way on temp gauge..) and it misses,pops (sometimes) feels like plugs are fouling and crank engine (no spark)?...Wait have a beer or 3 and like magic spark....(stinking stick coils)....but I must give a shout out to Suzuki you could have plugged the diagnostic computer in that would have taken 10 minutes and even if youse didn't have the time to fix it could have helped a brother out ...not to mention try and charge $800 for coils I bought of e-bay for $100 , ignition barrel and switch $286, battery $125 engine temp sender $120
Sorry guys for venting....It was my first week of ownership what a week
Yeah.. you bought a 22 year old bike and yes, it’s going to have problems.
I work at a Suzuki dealership and I’ll give you a tip re dealerships, first and foremost they are in business to make money, and as much as they can squeeze out of their customers, sad but true.
Secondly, the mechanics are usually good and well versed in all things Suzuki, but they don’t have a magic wand and plugging in the monitor to a bike can only tell you so much, it only gives clues as to what is failing. The mechanics experience is the real deciding factor here.
I have a ‘99 model Busa and have a long list of repairs and upgrades since I took ownership of it 8 years ago.
In general, bikes don’t get kept up to the maintenance level that they really need. Most owners often can’t afford to constantly fit new parts and keep on top of the whole thing, replacing stuff BEFORE it fails. After all, bikes are usually toys for big boys, and toys can lie around unloved and unused for long periods.
My advice to you is to find a bike workshop that specialise in sports bikes and especially Suzukis, they will be interested in your Busa way more than any dealership would be. And always ask for a prioritised list of essential work that needs doing, to bring your bike up to a good safe condition.
Keep posting and let us all know how it’s going for ya, oh and welcome to Hayabusa heaven too!