2001 Busa Colour Scheme


I have just bought a 2001 Hayabusa in Blue / Silver. The colour scheme is reversed i.e. the 'beak' is blue not silver. Should I be concerned or is this a Jap spec bike?
I live in Hong Kong so I guess this could be the case.
Replies appreciated.
I also purchased a 2001 Blue Silver model. I also noticed that my Blue Silver layout was different from what I have noticed in the photo section. The top of my tank is blue and the portion of the tank that is nearest to the seat is silver. The beak portion of my bike is also blue. I was also wondering if this was a paint scheme for the Canadian market.
I guess different countries recieved different colour layouts.
Canadian schemes are exactly the same as the US. You are thinking of the 2000 blue/silver scheme. Take a look at the compilation I made here:

Only two unique schemes not sold in the US or Canada were made. The red/black of 1999, sold only in Europe and the red/silver of 2001 sold only in Germany (France, UK and Belgium now have the three 2001 schemes for 2002).
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Thanks for the info. The chart was really helpful. I remember the first year that the bike was made and the US had an option of red/black ( I do believe those were the colours) that was not availible in Canada.
Once again thanks.
Red/Black was Europe only (unless they slipped a few in without my knowledge). Canadian bikes just have different speedos and, I'm not quite certain on this, but I think they also have the light switch and 'pass' switch.

Unfortunately, if you want a unique scheme in North America, you have to either paint it or go to Europe to find one of the two unique schemes.
Just click on Add Reply like you would to respond to a thread. Then look below the text box that you normally put your text into to reply. Find the Browse button. Click the Browse button. A windows box will open. Find your photo and double click it. Then just hit Add Reply as normal. The photo will be attached to your post like this... :D

Canadian schemes are exactly the same as the US. You are thinking of the 2000 blue/silver scheme. Take a look at the compilation I made here:

Only two unique schemes not sold in the US or Canada were made. The red/black of 1999, sold only in Europe and the red/silver of 2001 sold only in Germany (France, UK and Belgium now have the three 2001 schemes for 2002).
Narc, I get a 404 Error when I click your link. :super:

<span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>Never friggin' mind Narc. I just realized that this one was raised from the dead !!!</span> :mad:

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Well, we did just pass Halloween, so this isn't entirely inappropriate. :laugh:

Here's one gallery pic, not yet updated for 2004.