2008 modding pics


Donating Member
I figured I would start a thread showing the new busa not just from the outside but some of the details... Post your pics here as you mod your new one.

different air box, thicker/wider clutch fibers...

egads man.... brand new scooter and the thing is in pieces... I would have at least waited till the cooler temps are here

Wow I figured GIXERHP would be the first to do this..

I'll bet you were the little kid that tore all his toys apart to see how they worked too..
slow down... i'm just the pic poster... if i could afford stripping one of these down I wouldn't still need parts for my own... dragzooks@indy is ripping into this one. Just figured it would be ncie to share the pics so others can see.

I know velocity did a '08 turbo drag bike but alot of the details are to hush hush
slow down... i'm just the pic poster... if i could afford stripping one of these down I wouldn't still need parts for my own... dragzooks@indy is ripping into this one. Just figured it would be ncie to share the pics so others can see.

I know velocity did a '08 turbo drag bike but alot of the details are to hush hush
Applying brakes..
thanks for the thread and pics..