Greetings fellow .oRgsters!!!
I'm extremely pleased to present to you the all-new Busa Stampede website, specifically designed to provide you all the information you need, a place to discuss, register for the event, register for the hotel, make your meet-up plans and keep in touch about all of the 2010 Stampede's goings on...
The site updates regularly with added Sponsors, updated program information, new registrants and so on.
You can 'follow' the Stampede's progress by signing up on Twitter and Facebook (just 'search either media site for Busa Stampede)to stay tuned in with all the newest, latest information as it happens.
There remains a couple of technical issues with the site which my web developer is working out, but if you're interested at all in the Stampede, go have a look.
The site updates regularly with added Sponsors, updated program information, new registrants and so on.
You can 'follow' the Stampede's progress by signing up on Twitter and Facebook (just 'search either media site for Busa Stampede)to stay tuned in with all the newest, latest information as it happens.
There remains a couple of technical issues with the site which my web developer is working out, but if you're interested at all in the Stampede, go have a look.
Please plan to join me and a host of other 'busa pilots for fun, sun, riding and relaxation in the spectacular Sierra Nevada's...
Visit: 2010 Busa Stampede | Busa Stampede or click the link in my signature block...
The Stampede website is best viewed in Firefox or Opera web browsers.