210 rwhp without pistons?


I heard about this guy in So. jersey that says he can get you 210 rwhp just by porting the heads and modifiying the stock cam. It's like $2500. I know the 1397 kit alone without install is like the same price, so what would the advantage be in either situation. Heres the guys site www.carpenterracing.com
Check it out let me know what you guys that have shops, or know about motor work think.
He did my bike. It pulled 207 to the wheel. Bob's a great guy and very respected among the Busa/Suzuki race teams. He has done several other members bikes and many others on Suzuki Hayabusa.Org

If you swing by his shop he will gladly show you around and explain everything
Cool grab thanks, good to know there's someone on the board that had it done by him. Im just suprised I hav'nt heard about it sooner. What town is his shop, how far is it from like Fort Lee?
He is located in Berlin NJ. I am originally from Yonkers NY and would say about a hundred and forty miles. From Fort Lee I would take the NJ Turnpike ex-11 to the Garden State Pk'way South Ex-48 and I could take a ride down with you or show you the way. Hell if you were going to ride down we could even go for a ride and I could show you what a Carpenter bike could do.
Bike382 on the board has also had his bike done by him. I'll be going to Maxton soon enough with him.
Sounds like it could be a plan, probally have to do it soon judging by the temp latley. Im across the TZ bridge in Nyack. From your signature it sounds like you have a sweet bike, i'd like to check it out with those wheels. I was looking into the same reatsets myself.
WELL, $2500 is a run in run out operation.

He explains what he does for $2500 but I wouldn't bank on 200+hp. UNLESS YOU PLAN TO CALL HIM FIRST. Buy what exhaust he wants and a power commander etc. He'll point out any figure below his claim was caused by your stuff. TO ME, someone who claims 210 hp finished product owes me cash back if the bike only produces 209. I beleive people who do that type of work should underrate their capability, not embellish it. Local guy got a 200 hp kit does about 4 years ago. Bike pumped out a whole 180hp and some change. His Micron exhaust was blamed.