I had the 220 mph Illumiglo faceplates and Yellowbox installed on my '04 Busa. On the OEM faceplate there was a pin that would stop the speedo needle at the old 186 mph limit, or thereabouts, when you started the engine and the speedo and tach needles did their cutesy sweep.
I noticed that now, even though the pin has been removed, the speedo needle sweep still stops at the same point when the engine is started. On the new 220 mph faceplate this is about 190 mph. Does this mean that this would be the maximum the speedo would register if I were ever to exceed 190?
I noticed that now, even though the pin has been removed, the speedo needle sweep still stops at the same point when the engine is started. On the new 220 mph faceplate this is about 190 mph. Does this mean that this would be the maximum the speedo would register if I were ever to exceed 190?