240 rear kit


I am tossing around a 240 big tire kit and was wondering if these had many issues with chain alignment and wear??I dont want to go any bigger.So many kits to choose from.I figure for the price of wheels I can add some more for a whole kit.Dam I love to hate this bike.
Nope, your good to go. The 240 kits have pretty much been perfected to a science. Buy a good quality kit though. With cheap kits you get cheap crap and it shows in the craftsmanship.
I have a 250 rear with a jack shaft,2 chains...u didnt say what gen u had, but i think u can have a single chain on a 240 on a gen1..but theres some frame notching, and the rear tire is not center...wear and everthing looks good..chain allignment is difficult until u figure it all out...first align the front then back..it cuts down on wheelies,instead u break traction because of the stretch...corners are not as easy as before..
Only real issues with em is having to run the offset sprocket and clearancing the frame, so dont expect a hour install, it will take some time However i have not had any issues with the setup once i got the install bugs worked out, no odd wear on anything at all.
I have a roaring toyz 240 arm. I bought the rear rim from ballzmotorsports. I have it stretched 8", and I have no complaints. Rides just as it did before I put the 240 on. The notching wasn't hard if you have a grinder. It all toke me about 2hrs to do. I have a friend who has the ballzmotorsports kits and he likes it.
It will be a winter project for sure.Where on the frame do I have to grind??Can it be cut out and a piece welded inside to keep strength??I know handling will change but like the look and it will be a semi custom.
Hey Carnage ive got a 4"over 240 w/a pirelli (like flypaper,love it).Ididnt install it, at the time i was quit busy at my job,but wish i waited and did myself,iwouldhave grounded the frame out more to center the wheel ,the fellow who did the job said that that was the best that could be done,which at the time looked ok,but what do i know ,then i ran into this fellow with the same setup and his was nearly perfect,that got me upset.This winter i may just do that if i can make some room in my garage,ill be good to go,also ide like to move the wheel up 2"for handling purposes.You really do sacrifice the handling for looks but i like it,love the 240,youve got to work it at every turn because of the 4"extention.You get used(as long as you dont have a stocked wheelbase bike to compare it to) to it.Good luck with your project.Have a good day
Well I will have all winter to so it right if I do it at all.I will get new wheels, just figured if I do that, may as well do a 240 rear tire.Are there changed needed to the front sproket cover??Does the offset sprocket add extra strain on the ouput shaft??So what kit to get.Ballz is ok but uses stock wheels.ATC looks nice but hear they are having some legal issues.